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  1. wrxsti

    Some Help :) Probability

    a credit card holder requires a 4 digit PIN number to withdraw her money... the digits can be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 a) ifshe remembered that either the second OR the third digit was either a 6 or 7 what is the probability of guessing the PIN correctly b) A member of...
  2. wrxsti

    Shocking Question

    lol. if you read what i wrote clearly... i "attacked" her when she said "you didnt study enough"
  3. wrxsti

    how much study are you doing a day?

    me try to get around 10 hours... not really working. :( only managing around 6-7
  4. wrxsti


    as stupid as it seems... yes.. :( (i had the chemistry course memorised a little over 4 months ago ) when i do some CSSA papers and i look in the guildlines (for calculation questions) they say "2 signifcant figures" in bold... so i get freaked thinking that i would get it wrong if i didnt...
  5. wrxsti

    Shocking Question

    if this is true then "william c" is right..... its a deadset joke........ wtf.? then that means unitary and radical overlap which is bullshit..... hahahahahah "havent studyed enough" get fucked .......................... its not my fault multiple choice is riddled with stupid answers.
  6. wrxsti

    Physics Is Impossible

  7. wrxsti

    Oldest Person to do the HSC?

    someone was telling me the other day that some people (aged 40 +) actually do the HSC is this true?? whats the highest aged person youve seen :S
  8. wrxsti

    Connecting Texts

    im doing imaginative journeys... i cant quite seem to connect my texts like... i talk about "Frost at Midnight" then i want to move onto "This lime tree bower my prison" but i cant seem to connect them... any tips on how to connect the texts or on how to make them flow?
  9. wrxsti

    What do you hope to achieve these holidays?

    well im just gana keep my study patterns for the past few months. study 12pm till 6pm revising/memorising notes.. then from 6pm to 12am past papers :)
  10. wrxsti

    Past Papers.

    i was wondering if anyone had the 2007 and 2006 independant physics papers. and if you do could you please upload them. here or send them to my email
  11. wrxsti


    well 0.03 is to 2 decimpal places.... (H+ Concentration) PH of 1.6 is 0.03 to 2 decimal places ... thats pretty much what im asking... PH is to 2 significant we should give our (H+Conc) to 2 decimal places?
  12. wrxsti


    thats a relief........ im worrying more about significant figures and decimal places then the actual content.... :S
  13. wrxsti


    everyone has conflicting views... could someone please finally clear this up... last time i did this thread i got more confused :S like for example.. determine the (H+)concentration of a solution with a PH of a) 1.6: 0.03 b) 1.87: 0.013 i am of the...
  14. wrxsti

    Redox help

    youve got your values mixed up :) your 2H20 + 2e- -> H2 + 2OH- with an e* of -0.83 whilst Zn -> Zn2+ + 2e- e* -0.76 this Zinc has a HIGHER reduction potential and will get reduced......... what i do..... is that if they are asking how Iron gets protected... i dont bother with...
  15. wrxsti

    Can we do this?

    A lot of people havent even heard of Marcus Tullius Cicero.... so i could proly get away with it from the markers?!?!?!?! :(:(:(:(:(:(
  16. wrxsti

    Can we do this?

    im doing "Speeches" for the second module..... the speech of some speakers such as "Martin Luther King, and Marcus Cicero" have large ammounts of powerplay in them... can we use this as supplementaries for Powerplay? i was thinking that they wouldnt look kindly upon this as well it would...
  17. wrxsti

    Physics Is Impossible

    otherway round for me..... omg man.... physics is very weird.
  18. wrxsti

    NH4Cl as an acidic salt

    k thanxxxxx :):):):):)
  19. wrxsti

    Shocking Question

    how is it Unitary... a manger disagrees with a strategy and this is immediately regarded as DISLOYALTY..... this is clearly a radical perspective
  20. wrxsti

    Equation Question

    ooooo u 2