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  1. wrxsti

    The Holy Qu'ran- Favourite verses

    I LOVE THE PICK. and i absolutely love the percentages....... my new religion is gana be the fastest growing religion.... if i convert my 4 brothers to it.... then my religion will have grown.... 400 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the last hour................ im so kewl...
  2. wrxsti

    yr 12: physical applications

    this is 3unit maths work :) i would help you but im very tired. hint : the last question should be a growth and decay eg) C = Ae^kt
  3. wrxsti

    Equation Question

    Na2CO3 + 2HNO3 -> 2NaNO3 + C02 + H20 net equation CO3(2-) + H+ -> CO2 +H20 i fink :S
  4. wrxsti

    Stock Broking

    B Business, B Commerce, with a major in finance
  5. wrxsti

    Shocking Question

    100% sure... heck even the HSC website has it as "D"
  6. wrxsti

    Highest Mark for Chemistry?

    how can you check wha the highest marks year to year are.? like how did ya know the highest was 98 :S
  7. wrxsti

    2 unit maths rules out band 6?

    your tutors full of crap. its so freakn easy to get 90 in 2unit maths....... my brother did NOT EVEN ATTEMPT question 10 and half of question 9.... and still got a 90 i do extension maths and trust me it helps 0.1% in 2unit maths Question 9's and 10's ........ if anything 3unit...
  8. wrxsti

    Around 3 weeks to go - what position are you in?

    im set for everything :) xcept physics lol i wonder what i should do for 3unit english.. im gana have so much fun in my HSC for that... its my extra unit lolzzzzzz
  9. wrxsti

    Question Marking

    on the marking guideline for HSC ... for an "evaluate" question it says "makes a judgement based on criteria" do we need to actually write eg) criteria : social, economic impacts .. and stuf like that?
  10. wrxsti

    Physics Is Impossible

    GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR anybody else finding physics freakn impossible...... im doing HSC papers and for gods sake..... dey look so impossible... the 2004 paper was like WTF?. me confidence is going down a lot..... :(:( ive done so much work. memorisation and i still only manage 12-13...
  11. wrxsti

    Highest Mark for Chemistry?

    um. like... as in 100 for HSC.. not your assesment mark..... your actual external HSC mark. i dun reeli get that scaled/raw stuff. :S
  12. wrxsti

    Shocking Question

    Question 15 2002 HSC paper A senior manager within an executive team disagrees strongly with other senior managers over current marketting policies. The CEO of this business interprets this opposing views as disloyalty. What Perspective on conflict does the CEO have? a) Behavioral b)...
  13. wrxsti

    What do you wear for the FEAs interview?

    lmao! I'd recommend business attire, not to formal if you like, blank pants with a nice shirt, black shoes, would be good.
  14. wrxsti

    The best Chem books to learn adn study from for HSC

    mmhmm.......... conquering chemistry is good..
  15. wrxsti

    Chem Tutoring Wanted

    Re: to tutor or not to tutor an idiot? lolz um..... most of chemistry course is memorisation of stuff...... so if your good at memorising your set.... go on get some notes. if you got problems with equations eg) how to write them, balancing and stuf like...
  16. wrxsti

    anyone wanna try this question?

    5 marker i fink
  17. wrxsti

    anyone wanna try this question?

    :) this was in 2007 CSSA trial... I wrote about cathode ray oscillopscopes in televisions and how they rely on electron manipulation.. electric fields... blah blah.......... its a pretty weird question though.. usually its supposed to be more specific
  18. wrxsti

    did i make the right decision

    WTF? OMFG. WTF? WTF? WTF? just sit the HSC ....................................................................................... dude.............................................................. you can get these 4 weeks back anytime.... your not sitting the 3unit or 4unit HSC this...
  19. wrxsti

    HSC Advice Line

    can you get back to us when you get the answers to those???????????? im having same problems