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  1. wrxsti

    The lie that Islam promotes Paedophilia.

    This "person" you seem to be referring to? he seems to be quite intelligent? i simply made the thread with the intention to start some controversy and see you defend your religion for a few moments whilst you hide behind your fat computer making comments about Islam which correctly mirror your...
  2. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    Funny how your saying "wikipedia doesnt fill the holes" in Ademirs informtation Yet your simulatensouly using wikipedia for your information? typical, lol
  3. wrxsti

    2005 HSC electrochem question

    electrochem is fun,
  4. wrxsti

    2001 CSSA Answer?

    hulo, ive done this paper.. no solutions... but im very confident i got them all right . (Checked with teacher) 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. D. 8. B 9.A 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. A 14. A 15. (NOT SURE) NOTE: 14 is good question :)
  5. wrxsti

    Honour Killings

    i dont get it.... a man committed murder... he was arrested..... ? is there a problem here?
  6. wrxsti

    Physics Marathon!

    Newtons concept of escape velocity..... Our good old friend Isaac reasoned that if he were standing on top of a mountain, the further he projected a stone the further it would go, he thus reasoned that there was a velocity at which the object would go into stable orbit and escape the earths...
  7. wrxsti

    Vodka saves lives

    Save water... Drink Beer. P.S. "Dumsum" you need one more post for 1000 :)
  8. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    The Apocalypse is upon us....................... People are relying on wikipedia for information..
  9. wrxsti


    lol chousta... i think i might stick to original method of just drawing em up???????
  10. wrxsti


    Omg, permutations :S could you explain how exactly this would work for this question (like the permutation) Order is important so its a perm? i hate isomers. ... hoping this permutations can make it easier
  11. wrxsti

    Changing Texts

    i remind you, your simply a number to these people...... secondly.. they are marking 60 000 papers... me thinks they wont notice your english doesnt have a novel??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  12. wrxsti

    Visual Templates

    A journey is good mmmhmm
  13. wrxsti

    Antacid Suspension Question

    righteo......... lol... cant you see that youve neutrilised the tablet twice?
  14. wrxsti

    Too late too change?

    Dude. do what i did.. pick the simplest easiest one. "The IVORY TRAIL" :)
  15. wrxsti

    Trial HSC Question

    i answered this in godfreys thread
  16. wrxsti

    Honour Killings

    in Islam there is no such thing as an honour killing. NO such thing... read my earlier post.??? ill post it up again wrxstisources?....................... No-one is justifiying what these people are doing.... its a shame how these crimes occur......... these misinterprettations of...
  17. wrxsti

    "Muslims are Masters of the world" - A Deluded drone and Propoganda

    mmhm..... so muslims have cotributed nothing to society? oh wait... suicide bombings..... yes.... Once again i love the balanced, unprejudiced emotion in these forums. i Feel the love people
  18. wrxsti

    Sleep vs Intelligence

    If it does... god im in trouble..
  19. wrxsti

    Physics Marathon!

    Significance of Einsteins speed of light as constant -Spacee and time are relative All observers see light travelling at 3x10^8 All intertial frames are equivalent. It also provides explanation on why a Null result was achieved in the Michealson morley experiment. :) I thinkk thats right :)...