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  1. C

    List of sins updated

    @ K_T: he means your average non-thinking catholic will only learn about morality from their religion in any case there really can't be any more obvious evidence that people are making this stuff up as they go and therefore that morality comes from people and not from the supernatural
  2. C

    Youths charged on Australia day

    do you understand the word "bogan"? lol
  3. C

    The Football Thread

  4. C

    physics and maths

    you can do it just do bridging courses and catch up to 3u standard before you start uni learn to love the maths
  5. C

    List of sins updated

    God was offended not only by stealing, blaspheming or coveting your neighbour's wife but by ruining the environment, conducting immoral scientific experiments and genetic manipulation. Traditional Catholic doctrine divides sins into mortal and venial (lesser) and holds that mortal sins, if...
  6. C

    List of sins updated This is totally worthy of respect and should be taken seriously by reasonable people
  7. C

    Youths charged on Australia day

    true but most of the flag-wearing types wouldn't understand this if you told them
  8. C

    changing lanes

    he's got a point about people closing the gap though :D
  9. C

    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    i will prove you wrong! eventually ... :santa:
  10. C

    Should insurance companies have the right to request the result of genetic tests

    well then that is a valid argument against the test, in the companies' own terms.
  11. C

    Education Not Indoctrination

    facilitating the development of absolutely everything you depend on for your entire life including renewable energy, which we'd not have any time to sit around thinking up if we were all living on subsistence agriculture due to no oil you're basically just saying that acting altruistically is...
  12. C

    White flight leaves system segregated by race

    waaaaaaaaaaaah in any case if it turned out that all students would learn substantially more in a class with only their own race/culture and a teacher of that same race/culture, who'd be against it?
  13. C

    Garrett considers banning plastic bags

    FACT: if plastic bags are banned or made to cost money, the mothers and crazy old people will riot, parliament house will be in flames and ruddkip and his bald sidekick will be lynched
  14. C

    White flight leaves system segregated by race

    they believe that the main aim of public schooling is to learn to appreciate diversity, i'm pretty sure which is about all you'd be learning in a class full of coons and arabs ;)
  15. C

    physics and maths

    you only need 50 in each subject so if you try hard you should be able to pick up enough marks to scrape through (i'm counting on it in physics!) sure as a professional engineer you might end up dangerously incompetent or unemployable, but it's all good
  16. C

    Should insurance companies have the right to request the result of genetic tests

    Insurance companies have no responsibility to make sure everyone gets good health care; their responsibility is to maximise returns for their shareholders, so what you're saying is irrelevant ;)
  17. C

    Education Not Indoctrination

    We should be able to test this theory with a simple example of one of the areas your list in bold to one example of a more lucrative career. Historian vs. Petroleum Geologist. Historian writes a book; benefit to humanity = ???? Petroleum geologist does what those guys do; benefit to humanity...
  18. C

    Education Not Indoctrination

    biggest load of shit ever posted on bos