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  1. C

    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    As I said before it's likely your average fatty has a limited mental capacity compared to a normal* person. Therefore depriving them of some civil rights is fine, since they don't really understand what civil rights are anyway. It's just like how we don't let Chimps vote even though they're...
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    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    it's a national disgrace katie cricket is unaustralian
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    40 thrown out of cricket match for unruly conduct

    The disgusting hooliganism of cricket fans reaches a new low: Victorian police are cracking down on unruly cricket patrons, threatening to issue fines to all fans they evict from the MCG. The action follows...
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    Australia's Obesity Epidemic

    Since we know from those studies before that a lot of fat people are also poor (and most likely therefore pretty stupid people) Hit them where it hurts, namely the "cost of living" by introducing a "fat tax", where obese people pay more tax simply for being obese (maybe by increasing their...
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    Valentines Day

    No, because she's having a same-sex relationship with your girlfriend EDIT: and WON'T try a threesome
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    Tegan Wagner - Is she brave?

    rape is no laughing matter! :mad: EDIT: unless you're being raped by a clown
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    Can't Access Benefits

    Because he asked the admins for it at a time when they still visited this site Before the "set and forget" money making machine had started I guess
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    Can't Access Benefits

    Hey look here's another "premium" resource that's still in the free resources: Good to see they have time to worry about their monopoly over honest students' notes but not exploiting customers :D
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    Can't Access Benefits

    So what happens if I downloaded those notes for free before premium was invented, then I give them to other people also for free? Am I breaking teh bos copyright lawz?
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    Official Apology Thread

    Re: Rudd to say Sorry on February 12 No? :confused:
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    Can't Access Benefits

    EDIT: Well #73 makes this a bit redundant doesn't it?
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    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    - They spend $500 on textbooks 2 weeks before semester starts no wait, that was me today :o
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    How do you pick out the First Year Students

    i alternate between colours at every letter like this, it makes my notes look pretty!
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    German Authorities Slam "The God Delusion" for Kids

    EDIT: long post warning :D Of course it's not like NI, lol. But at the core of religion, particularly the 2 monotheisms, is the belief that you have the absolute truth about the universe, and everyone else should have to believe the same thing. So there's always some latent potential for...
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    how to avoid falling asleep during lectures?

    That's easy for you art-types to say I'm actually studying rocket science this semester!
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    German Authorities Slam "The God Delusion" for Kids

    Waste of time, the curriculum is already overcrowded and shallow, I could be teaching more science lessons instead of wasting time comparing bronze age myths. Mention them in history class if you have to.
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    German Authorities Slam "The God Delusion" for Kids

    I'm going to have a go at defending the anti-religious line :D Here is the key point. Kids in say Camden or Newcastle are instilled with racist values from their parents too, and at school we have a responsibility to teach them that that's wrong. Religion can be just as bad, (e.g. Northern...