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  1. C

    Hillary Clinton OR Barack Obama?

    Of those I'm sympathetic towards the IRA, the PKK and ETA :o
  2. C

    Julia Gillard voted one of Australia's sexiest women.

    you'd make my sexiest women list :o
  3. C

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. A real football fan attaches himself to a glory hunting bandwagon for a team based in a city he's never been to on the other side of the world not that i haven't :o EDIT: :cool:
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    Fidel Castro Steps Down as Leader of Cuba

    typical servo-wallachian communist sympathiser :o anyway, when Fidel dies is he going to be worshipped like Kim Il-Sung in north korea? :D
  5. C

    Juggling: Uni & Part-time Work

    at one point last semester i did 30-35 hours work and 15 hours uni a week (contact hours only) you wouldn't want to do much more than that (in total) if you're wanting to do well at uni or if you're happy with scraping P's at uni you could work moar EDIT: if you're doing science or...
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    First Years

    07ers, in my university? It's more likely than you think. doing 5 (hard) subjects sucks :(
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    Rules for Fat People

  8. C

    Scientology vs. The Internet

    been there, done that, appeared on the wikipedia article :D
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    Official Apology Thread

    Re: "Stolen Generation" Appology- A different view History at high school as I remember it was something like: Ok kids, around <year>, <extremely significant major world event> happened. Now we aren't going to learn anything about <extremely significant major world event>, but instead we...
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    First Years

    he is hi-five'ing you because he is also an engineering student.
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    Saudi religious police ban red roses for valentine's day (no joke) lol

    It all makes sense now There is no god but Captain Planet and the Planeteers are his messengers.
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    Official Apology Thread

    Re: "Stolen Generation" Appology- A different view This thread is now about the abortion debate I am pro-abortion, how about you?
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    Official Apology Thread

    Re: "Stolen Generation" Appology- A different view Islam should apologise to all the indigenous middle eastern cultures it overran :D
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    Saudi religious police ban red roses for valentine's day (no joke) lol

    I'm still waiting for evidence that Allah isn't a fairy tale :D
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    Official Apology Thread

    Re: "Stolen Generation" Appology- A different view I was just thinking that what we needed was another stolen generation/sorry thread
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    Lets all move on

    Well that explains a lot about you :D
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    Who is the Stolen Generation?

    What will fix their problems?
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    tafe + uni

    I think doing a Science/Law degree whilst doing an Advanced Diploma at TAFE is easily manageable
  19. C

    Comment in The Age Newspaper about Education

    Hey since you only did 2u do you ever wonder whether you'll really be able to teach 4 unit well? :D