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  1. C

    steroetyped bcoz of music?

    epic bump
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    balancing HSC and job

    Yeah, that's not true.
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    Rules for Fat People

    not good enough :D
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    Does God exist?

    You don't need to dismiss it on anything in particular You just dismiss it full stop, since that's as much of a reason as you need to believe it in the first place.
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    Rules for Fat People

    well at least you can take more items of clothing with you than the fatties can :D
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    Muslims declare jihad on uni timetables

    Well not really, just wanted to post yet another meaningless THE ISLAMS ARE COMING thread,25197,23269447-12332,00.html MUSLIM university students want lectures to be rescheduled to fit in with prayer timetables and separate male and female...
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    Union calls for services levy

    But think of all the mothers at uni who need childcare Don't you care about the mothers? ;) ... This was pretty much inevitable from when Labor got in. I hope it takes them 3 years to talk about it (most things do with these people) so I don't have to pay.
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    Rules for Fat People

    We're going to need pics For the sake of health, and, umm, science.
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    Hugging the opposite sex

    I'm pretty sure you can't spread STIs that way *hugs*
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    Hugging the opposite sex

    *bursts into the thread and starts hugging bassistx furiously*
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    Muslims declare jihad on Doritos.

    How about trace elements of ham? :D EDIT: what about the fact that since there are molecules in a pig or a person then there are pigs or people in the world you probably have some molecules in your body that were once in a pig? :D
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    Muslims declare jihad on Doritos.

    Goddamnit They can take away my free speech and my cartoons and my pope and whatever fucking else they want but if they touch my doritos there'll be hell to pay for those sand nigger dorito hating cunts EDIT: ok i like doritos but maybe not that much EDIT2: i realise this has nothing to do...
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. We need him for the olympics :(
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    Australia to bid for 2018 World Cup

    The idea is to bid for 2018 to show we're serious then bid harder for 2022, for which our biggest rival will probably be China :D EDIT: Lowy recently said he's sure we'll get the 2015 Asian Cup too
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    Australia to bid for 2018 World Cup The Australian Government will today officially launch its bid for the world's biggest party — the 2018 soccer World Cup. The cup is the largest event in world sport, attracting an audience of...
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    What are you attracted to?

    ggilfs? :eek:
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    What are you attracted to?

    some ppl get better with age ;)
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. Newcastle 1-0 :cool: hahah red card Vukovic last minute... Yellow card Aloisi... fights... holy shit Full time. NEWCASTLE JETS CHAMPIONS OF AUSTRALIA 07/08 Lowest budget and youngest squad in the comp too
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    What is this ..."ARC"... you speak of???

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    Arrogant Australians! We have a bad reputation overseas?

    no, it's just that most australians really are bogans :D