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  1. C

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    they'd be pretty cut about Raptor Jesus :D
  2. C

    Rudd to destroy our democracy?

    It won't be Rudd that destroys our democracy It will be democracy that destroys our democracy.
  3. C

    Does God exist?

    Don't forget you can't eat seafood :D My main problem with the bible (apart from it being made up) is the fact that it didn't come with a companion guide ("Preacher's Edition") to tell you how to interpret what's literal and what we can disregard as an allegory.* At least the Quran has the...
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    You need to break this down into two distinct things: 1) How parents bring up their children 2) What an education which is essentially controlled by the state teaches children. I don't think they need to agree with one another. But what you learn and come to believe (like actually, truly...
  5. C

    Girls Don't know what they want.

    stupid generalisation is stupid
  6. C

    Rudd to destroy our democracy?

    well out of just the first bit AFTER just 99 days of the Rudd government, Australia is in the worst political position it has endured since the crisis days of the Whitlam government 33 years ago. FALSE Prime Minister Kevin Rudd went to the November 24 election claiming to have a plan to...
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    Rudd to destroy our democracy?

    you didn't read the first post did you? :D
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    Rudd to destroy our democracy?

    when i saw this thread i was going to reply 'cue people posting 'everything in the article must be false just because piers akerman wrote it' too late
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    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    Nah stay away from USyd it's full of well it science program is of inferior quality to UNSW's :D
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    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    nah she likes soft sciences like biology which don't get you anywhere
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    So how about Scientologist schools? Olympian schools or Jedi schools? What about Satanist schools, tell me what you'd think of them. Wait whose religious faith? The only people I can see who have a religious faith are the parents, children are too young to have a religious faith because they...
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    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    listen to what this guy says coz he's the JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!
  13. C

    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    uni is about meeting new HOT people, challenging yourself TO HAVE SEX WITH THEM and giving yourself the best possible PARTNER for your future AS A TROPHY WIFE
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    Girls Don't know what they want.

    so get ur mujahideen brothers to do it :o
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    Girls Don't know what they want.

    women are deficient in both mind and faith!
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    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    couple less years spent at uni with the transfer option :D
  17. C

    Girls Don't know what they want.

    Girls want: - asian boys - with strong religious views - and good grades - who like anime - and know a lot of programming languages - guys who don't care how they dress - with insecurity, low self esteem and neediness - to be obsessed over :uhhuh:
  18. C

    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    False. They're bullshitting, every uni says of any particular degree "HAS A 110% UMPLOYMENTZ RATE" because those undergrad course descriptions are ADVERTISEMENTS False - she is a woman. False. You will have your hopes and dreams crushed by the harsh reality of the world. lol reliable source