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  1. C

    How Do You Think You'll Get Married?

    she's already in the country but, when i get married it'll be in one of the seedier parts of south east asia
  2. C

    changing lanes

    in practice most people indicate for one flash of the indicator, usually after they've started changing :D
  3. C

    How Do You Think You'll Get Married?

    it'll be so that she can get australian citizenship :D
  4. C

    The Woolworths Thread

    how many thousand do D and S get you a year? :D
  5. C

    Rules for Customers

    learn where shit is you lazy cunts if only because it makes life easier when you get asked those questions ^_^
  6. C

    Rules for Customers

    today someone told me over the phone they were going to report us to the Governor General (coz her overdue layby got cancelled, like) and that our store was just a charity organisation and i needed to get a real job ^_^
  7. C

    Education Not Indoctrination

    FACT: teacher education (the training of teachers) is leftist at a deeply fundamental level, at least in the university I happen to attend (there was a lecture on the virtues of marxism as part of an EDUC1xxx subject) i don't think any individual can say much about this without generalising...
  8. C

    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    false! that would be chemical sir also, about half of all biology graduates are TEH GIRLZ ^^
  9. C

    Men banned from gym

    i can't when ur around :o
  10. C

    Men banned from gym

    GYM'S CLOSED due to sharia :D
  11. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    Your argument fails to take into account the fact that continually importing all our products is ruining local aussie businesses and increasing our foreign debts, increasing unemployment and the cost of living, and hurting ordinary australians. this could all be solved simply by raising tariffs...
  12. C

    Girl Masturbation..normal?

  13. C

    What do you love most about Uni?

    false! your parents don't force you to do anything, you're just too soft to develop a will of your own and say no to them :D
  14. C

    Girl Masturbation..normal?

    a girlfriend? :D
  15. C

    What do you love most about Uni?

    false! half the first years are only there because they didn't know what else to do with their lives :rolleyes: EDIT: and half the rest still haven't worked it out :o
  16. C

    Can't Access Benefits

    Laz fled the country (most likely to Majorca) and the Federal Police can't track him down. He's storing all the profits in a Swiss Bank account.
  17. C

    Girl Masturbation..normal?

    girls do not masturbate, except filthy sluts decent girls know they have no right to sexual feelings of any kind except those they may receive incidentally as a result of serving their husbands
  18. C

    IS watching P*** Normal for a Gal?

    i'd like to ride you :D
  19. C

    IS watching P*** Normal for a Gal?

    i already did that, read page 1 u porn addict :D