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  1. C

    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    lol diane
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    BSc means UNEMPLOYMENT, true or false?

    i'll cut you min2, if you want to get a 'job' from a BSc you have to do honours and then masters and PhD so you can be a research scientist. Also, you'll have to go to the US or Europe because Australia hates science
  3. C

    Skeeting sex

    what's a bible?
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    Skeeting sex

    you'll be lucky to write anything that isn't from the bible LOL
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    Kosovo declares Independence

    Kosovo je Shqipëri!
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    Skeeting sex

    God is a fairly tale. Also, obvious troll is obvious.
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    Skeeting sex

    Condoms are murder and sex is only for procreation, aren't you a real Christian?
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    BOS policy on releasing email addresses

    they sell them en masse for enormous profits to all sorts of shady marketing companies and scammers
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    Hey i just had a thought, if aliens existed that were sufficiently advanced to be god-like to us, and they said unto us that we ought to behave a certain way (or else) would this be meaningfully distinguishable from God as the source of absolute morality? It'd still be absolute morality as...
  10. C

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    See there's that I'm right/you're wrong thing coming in. You can't possibly have any evidence as you claim for that statement. :D And for what it's worth I can just as easily refer you to Christopher Hitchens :cool:
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    Well at least it's possible to be an atheist without saying "I'm right and you're wrong" about everything relating to a particular subject, whereas on the other hand you can't be a Christian without saying at a fundamental level that very thing you just accused atheists of saying. :D
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    Longest relationship?

    more of a hopeless asshole here :D
  13. C

    Capitalism or Communism?

    You're an idiot.
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    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    I think the first principle of schools should be 'do no harm'. Most would agree. So is telling children (under 7 particularly) something that any reasonable person realises is false, is the absolute truth of the world? I think so. Basically there should be no religious schools, and more...
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    Australian Citizenship Test

    Well maybe it's alright if we prefer to be around our own kind (meaning culture) To be honest I find dealing with fobs mainly an inconvenience because they're so difficult to communicate with compared to anglos, and they probably think the same of us. If the exchange and interaction of culture...
  16. C

    Limewire or Frostwire?

    u can embed viruses in pretty much anything :D
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    Have a balanced life

    Quit your job Tell your friends not to contact you until November Set yourself targets of 9+ hours a day Hit the books. Don't you people want to go to uni?
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    Capitalism or Communism?

    FACT: The existence of capitalism relies on the ignorance and material obsession of the great masses of people. If everyone were more educated, materialism and profit-driven chaos would give way to superior values such as equity, equality and fairness. This would naturally lead to a system...
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    Limewire or Frostwire?

    people still use limewire? lol enjoy yr viruses
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    What are you attracted to?

    </3 :( p.s. i don't care about looks :p