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  1. C

    Red Bull and V

    i've seen them at the servo :|
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    Batman vs SPiderman

    batman would win in a fight :D
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    Invasion of privacy?

    just go to a shit public school instead, you can do wtfever you like at those :D
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    How datable is a guy who is...

    edited for truthiness
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    lolin so hard at that kid who had that insane party

    How many outraged adults are there about this story lol everyone's been like "IF HE WAS MY SON I'D <insert random act of gratuitous violence> HIM!"
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    Plot to Kill Queen Foiled

    you'd rather have prince charles? :D
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    Rules for Fat People

    At a guess, the 'adults' who let their weight get out control are the same that rack up debts on big plasma tvs, jap sports cars and smokes (then blame the government for their mortgages) ,they have no self awareness :D
  8. C

    Adam and Eve or Evolution?

    When the Bible was written, people didn't know of the existence of atoms, amino acids or cells and wouldn't for a few thousand years (not counting the atomists in Greece), so how could it possibly be a metaphor for those things? In the case of Genesis the writers didn't necessarily mean it...
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    umm waf u should read the article first :o
  10. C

    Unfair mum - TAFE or UNI ?

    Wait you're asking a forum full of people whose main goal in life is to get a 99+ UAI and do med or com/law at uni whether someone should go to tafe or uni? :D
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    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    It's a shame they're not dead altogether, sure healthy democracy and all that, but they're scary. I guess they'll always get the fundie vote no matter how many quahs :(
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    Rules for Fat People

    (in the spirit of Rules for Customers/Staff in Employment forum) Don't stand in quadruple file with trolleys holding giant handbags half a metre out from your bodies in narrow aisles, it's disgusting and an obstruction to public safety and convenience that is all oh, and maybe look in a...
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    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Hopefully we drove them all out by now :D
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    Greenpeace rocks

    I'm not belittling them, I'm genuinely worried that restrictions will be placed in the name of caring about the environment that will hurt the poorest people. EDIT: Taking an imagined moral high ground then acting indignant anyone who disagrees doesn't make you right :D
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    Metabolism FAQS

    Figure 1: Example of a slow catabolism :D
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    $1bn 'not sorry enough' - Aboriginal leaders this animated video of the song is awesome :D
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    Student unions 'on brink of extinction'

    What will come out of it is a hardcore campaign by the NUS to get CSU back now that Labor's in government :D
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    meathod of joints/meathod of sections??

    have you got a diagram with the loads?
  19. C

    Student unions 'on brink of extinction'

    Membership is still 5% too high :cool: EDIT: mathematically that makes no sense but you know what i mean