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  1. scuba_steve2121

    yay or nay thread

    NADA SURF eh, eh?
  2. scuba_steve2121

    We made a mistake with Rudd, didn't we?

    your name is a bit of a misnomer isn't it?
  3. scuba_steve2121

    "Atheism and secularism led to Nazism, mass murder" - Bishop Anthony Fisher

    i ate a ham sandwich today to piss off my religious mum off XD
  4. scuba_steve2121

    Gender inequality

    children often have different ideologies to their parents i guess it's their way of rebelling. "my parents are hard working lovers of capitalism" "my parents also don't let me stay up late and go out whenever i want, thus i must now be a communist"
  5. scuba_steve2121

    A moral dilemma

    i was keeping in the limits of the situation according to op he was the only producer lol yea i guess he would be a bit of a credit risk but since the wife has a rare type of cancer he isn't going to have many other customers. it comes down to does he want to make a sale and make money or not...
  6. scuba_steve2121

    A moral dilemma

    im saying that the prof is stupid because he set his prices way to high to tap into the market. his price is 10 times the cost to make said drug ffs. thus for him to have = supply and demand he would need to lower his prices. or u know like somebody already said he could of had a payment plan...
  7. scuba_steve2121

    A moral dilemma

    hes not greedy hes stupid XD
  8. scuba_steve2121

    Gender inequality

    mentally and physically some jobs women just can't do. i mean they can but they ether suck at it or hate it. women bricklayers is a stupid idea, less work done and also i can imagine a women hating to do it, it would bore them (as it does to many) to tears teachers in primary is...
  9. scuba_steve2121

    A moral dilemma

    shouldn't of, its his property he can sell it at any price he darn well likes. however if he was smart he would of sold it for less. so hes not greedy hes just stupid. though it was wrong i would of stolen it but probably left some money behind
  10. scuba_steve2121

    Israeli Mossad agents commit false flag attack on Moscow subway stations - 38 killed

    Re: Israeli Mossad agents commit false flag attack on Moscow subway stations - 38 kil dam fucking Muslims got to kill every single one of...oh wait, its in Russia who gives a shit :D
  11. scuba_steve2121

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    i thought this was common knowledge?
  12. scuba_steve2121

    For those who believe that homosexuality is genetic

    get ready for a myriad of "um" and "ah" :spin:
  13. scuba_steve2121

    Health debate 23 march

    because governments like to abusive it so they can have power derr?
  14. scuba_steve2121

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    the former national security i guess that would still be talked about occasionally but with phases like "god dam terrorists", "peace man, i mean seriously you guys....can you pass the weed man...." and "they took our jobs!!!"
  15. scuba_steve2121

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    huh so according to you if we removed the reserve bank there would hardly ever be any interest in politics ever again?
  16. scuba_steve2121

    Health debate 23 march

    what do you mean? there never has been a free market without some form of government interference so how could modern history tell you anything lol
  17. scuba_steve2121

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    it doesn't matter whether you are Atheist, Jew, Christian ,Muslim etc etc we can all unite and fight for our PORN!!!!!!!!!!
  18. scuba_steve2121

    Mandatory Internet Censorship in Australia

    sigh... i guess we are going to have to start paying for our porn..........:uhoh:
  19. scuba_steve2121

    God wants gays dead, says beauty queen

    mission control we got a bible nut, repeat we got a bible nut. permission to fire religion killing torpedo. torpedo armed....FIRE!!!! mission failed, he put up his ignorance and stupidity field......