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  1. scuba_steve2121

    Doctors and Dentists

    2. private law courts 3. un stable governments and groups have dangerous weapons right now? 5. private law courts other security companies, war won't ensue as it costs way to much
  2. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    because people can do it and not die if you're a shit driver go in the left lane and go 100/110 but if you are experienced you should be able to go at faster speeds. i don't give a flying fuck what the rta says. they have just set a rule up that will equalise the speeds drivers can go because...
  3. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    well your saying that people should stick to 110/100 when they should be able to go 140-150 and people on these roads already go 120-130 and even 140 when overtaking
  4. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    so? if a crash into a wall going 100km im gonna die everybody already goes 120-130 on a freeway and 100's of people aren't dying on these freeways everyday so your argument is flawed, look at the outcome not the intention
  5. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    lol you're a road NAZI my point about being in the out back still stands. if the road is right for 130-140 then becomes to dangerous change the speed limit but don't have 100 all the way because its so slow and im yet to see someone in a normal car go 100 in a 100 zone on a straight stretch...
  6. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    because going 130 is so slow. you can easily go 150 on roads where it is 110 why should you limit people who feel confident that they can go fast. plus everybody already goes 120-130 on the freeway. also what if you are in the outback where its a straight road for 400km don't tell me you...
  7. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    lol the fact that you drive a car and still don't agree just deepens the hole of stupidity you're digging. hsc 2013 yet you drive weird?
  8. scuba_steve2121

    Plater Clocked at Insane speed!!!

    you have never driven a car have you?
  9. scuba_steve2121

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    I'd prefer full privatisation of the health care system but we don't always get what we want........................... but to answer your question yes i would prefer a leader to take months in careful planning and analysis but unless abbot thinks of something Rudd is going to take full advantage
  10. scuba_steve2121

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    yes he realised that it was stupid, a thing most people struggle with today. then went on to promote the free market and freedom
  11. scuba_steve2121

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    Abbot was put on the spot, the subject of health was never really brought up before then Abbot hopefully in the next 2 weeks will devise a health plan
  12. scuba_steve2121

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    sad thing is. the Keynesian ideology that Rudd has used is the only thing taught in year 11 economics. not even a mention of Murray Rothbard or Milton freedmen
  13. scuba_steve2121

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    does anybody else see the beginning steps to a socialist gov?
  14. scuba_steve2121

    Japanese celebrate defeat of bluefin tuna ban

    Re: I am convinced that Japanese people are heartless tyrants! ^^ so true lol
  15. scuba_steve2121

    Stupid police bastards kill four people in high speed chase.

    well unfortunately you can't just whip out your gun and start shooting at the tires like in the movies. police can't do anything when chasing. the best they can hope for is that the guy gives up, crashes or runs out of petrol ( lol was about to type gas so American today XD)
  16. scuba_steve2121

    Japanese celebrate defeat of bluefin tuna ban

    Re: I am convinced that Japanese people are heartless tyrants! its a fish get over it
  17. scuba_steve2121

    Fuck Rudd is a dickhead

    deciding who to vote for is getting harder and harder. they both know nothing of economics which is a major factor in my vote. they both want to spend lots of money into their inefficient schemes. they only difference between them is the bidding war on who can waste the most amount of money...