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  1. Shadowdude

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    so how about dat integration bee other than me accidentally pitching the questions too high, running over twenty minutes and not being able to use as many integrals as i would've liked - i think it was a gr8 success, personally especially for my first time organising such an event
  2. Shadowdude

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    yeah but exercise your pain is actually the molecules in your feet manning up and being less sissy :p
  3. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    tl;dr Sunk cost: What you've lost is what you've lost. and just ask for shadowdude, i think most people will understand at the stall - alternatively, go integration bee - i shall be hosting-ing
  4. Shadowdude

    MATH1131 books help

    I know of exactly zero people who did questions from that textbook. The course pack questions are very much enough.
  5. Shadowdude

    Nearby hilly areas around UNSW

    Just run around the Village Green. People often do that, in running gear.
  6. Shadowdude

    MATH1131 books help

    Unless you're a pure maths major, I wouldn't recommend getting the textbook. It's just a supplementary text.
  7. Shadowdude

    What to expect in the first week of uni?

    Uhh, you trying to get used to the whole uni life thing and shindig.
  8. Shadowdude

    MATH1131 Difficulty?

    good luck completing all the questions though
  9. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    Hold on Trans4M, let's see if we can convince oblivious about sunk costs... If you mean this: Then I'm talking about after the deposit too. The wording is "you pay $20..." which means it's already done, like someone having already paid the deposit. What is current is your date offering...
  10. Shadowdude

    Is it plagiarism to have your character say a quote of a person?

    They would think 'damn dat intertextual reference and deep research', I'd say.
  11. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    Okay, so maybe the restaurant example was flawed. The point is, whether you go through with it or not, you can't change the past. Therefore, it should not affect your future considerations. In the example of the camp, it is irrational to consider the camp deposit as a factor in deciding on...
  12. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    Okay then, say that you have to drive an hour to get to the restaurant. What then? --- And to the bolded, the $50 is gone forever. The Camp Cost if you decide to go through ahead with the booking: $200. The Camp Cost if you decide to not go ahead with the booking: $200.
  13. Shadowdude

    Bag pack woes (UNSW edition)

    Last time I hid my bag in the bushes near the Law Building and then scrounged around drunkenly late at night to find it.
  14. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    Consider this: You pay $30 to go to an all you can eat restaurant. You stuff yourself on say... $12 of really tasty sausage sandwiches until you absolutely cannot eat anymore or else you'll throw up. But you've only eaten $12 worth of food, should you then try and eat another $18 of food to...
  15. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    Point is, you can't recoup it. Therefore it shouldn't factor in. What you can decide is whether to go through with it, so you have to determine whether the benefits of camp in total outweigh the $200 or so and opportunity cost, etc. of actually proceeding with the booking - because that is what...
  16. Shadowdude

    UNSW BSoc O-Camp

    No, because whether you go to the camp or not, you cannot change the loss of $50. Therefore, it should not be a factor at all. The only determining factor should be whether the potential benefits outweigh the costs. (i probably worded that a bit wrong but yeah)
  17. Shadowdude

    Any here doing MATH1081 (Discrete mathematics)?

    Probably 1081. 1131 is lots of high school revision with a bit of new stuff, but 1081 is very... abstract. It introduces you to a very Pure Maths style of thinking, in terms of proof, and concepts in discrete mathematics (of which only 3u perms and combs is pretty much your only previous...
  18. Shadowdude

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    takes longer and is cheap :p
  19. Shadowdude

    UNSW O Week 2014 chat thread

    get used to it along with climbing up stairs its the extra fitness degree that's embedded into all unsw courses