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  1. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Black eyed peas. Oh, also i saw a pretty big cat on my way to Chem Sciences building today
  2. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Go die plz
  3. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Hm, Im gana DEFINETLY NEED That If i remember.... his name was Pat Photo-something?
  4. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Trust me, Dont say your a plain "Physicist" You need to exaggerate and say "Im a NUCLEAR PHYSICIST" or "Im an ASTROPHYSICIST" They sound pretty cool. Do what Im doing 'Engineering / Science" The best of both, Im doing Chemical Engineering, and Physics. Also they allow you to do 27UOC. and...
  5. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Sorry i mean do PHYS1221 in summer with me.. I did PHYS1121 In semester 1.
  6. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    er? Don't you run outa time? What kinda labs you talking about? (Physics/Chem/Comp)?
  7. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    er? Dont you get tired? Dont you get overwhelmed by all the work? I get agitated by 2 hour labs. :S
  8. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Im gana take it in summer Although...... i was reading somewhere that its 3 hours labs..... Hm so im doing CHEM 1B in Summer and PHYS1231 in summer. Should be interesting. Apparently electricity is fairly easy
  9. Omium

    Naval Architeture worse or better dan Aerospace engineer?

    . There is a large difference between Naval Archiecture and Aerospace engineering. Just choose what you like, if your good at what you do, you'll find a job...
  10. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Forbid is there a "course pack" for ENGG1811? and do we really need a textbook for it?
  11. Omium

    What is your ultimate UNSW uni fantasy

    lol i wasnt trolling. [Insert mod name here] made a very pathetic attempt at humour in a thread. I replied stating how stupid and dumb he made himself out to be in his post. Then he deleted that post. lol so i reposted it. and viola banned for a month
  12. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    ] lol, Is it possiblle for somone with 0 Programming background to get a HD or a D for ENGG1811? Speak to some career advisers about some other engineering disciplines you never know what you'll like. Oh, i transferred into Eng/Sci I cant believe im saying this but im pretty sure im gana...
  13. Omium

    Sonny Bill Williams leaves Bulldogs for France

    Omg. I cant believe a person with an IQ of 5 can get a $3 Million contract. Look up some of his interviews and see how he talks like a 5 year old (I AM NOT JOKING) Sonny Bill is a hypocrite as he said about Willie Mason earlier this year "My respect for him has...
  14. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    lol definetly. If you have friends in MATS with you do the tutorial online questions together. The tutorials are always EXACTLY THE SAME. Also how did you go in your exams forbid?
  15. Omium

    What is your ultimate UNSW uni fantasy

    lol i got banned for a month cause some mod couldnt handle a little criticism
  16. Omium

    What is your ultimate UNSW uni fantasy

    Anybody want to print this thread and send it to all the economics lecturers? I'd pay good money to see their reactions :shy:
  17. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Why is it that i get banned for months by gay mods? :(
  18. Omium

    If I get above average for my assessment tasks....

    School rank is insignificant. I went to a school that came tie last the previous year.... and I got a UAI of 97.5