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  1. Omium

    Schapelle Corby: Innocent or Guilty- Your final verdict

    Dont tell anybody this... But i got inside information that Dora put the pot in her bag
  2. Omium

    The world is coming to an end

    Ok Sir, please tell us how we can stop your impending apocalypse?
  3. Omium

    The world is coming to an end

    Get fucked dickhead. These "sane" people will seem like "nutjobs" 10 years from now. Then new "sane" people will say the world is coming to an end, and the cycle will continue. Always happens and will continue to happen. Edit: Anybody else see the Irony of somebody who cant spell telling me im...
  4. Omium

    isreali- paleistine

    I see no arguments against this.
  5. Omium

    The world is coming to an end

    Every single decade someone says "The world is comming to an end".With a list of all the problems we're facing. I think its safe to say we'll live
  6. Omium

    The world is coming to an end

    ??.... Must be an 08'er thing? :confused::confused::confused:
  7. Omium

    isreali- paleistine

    Israel should let "Dora " run for president.
  8. Omium

    Simpsons Quotes thread

    lol, one of the funniest quotes (though you need to be actually viewing the scene for it to be funny :S. Ned : Don't worry homer, we've all had our brushes with the Law. (Flash back) Police Officer knocks on door: Are you Ed Flanders? Ned : Nope Police officer: My mistake
  9. Omium

    confusion in UV catastrophe

    yay boltzmans constant :) Thermodynamics FTW
  10. Omium

    People with higher IQ 'Less Likely to Believe in God'

    You are the Most stupid, idiotic, foolish, unintelligent, dimwitted, moronic, brainless person i have ever seen in my life. Congratulations, Thats a huge accomplishment
  11. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Someones got too much time on their hands :o
  12. Omium

    another exam rm tradegy..haha

    lol, I LOVEE RALPH
  13. Omium

    Aussie woman 'posts call to jihad'

    And iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii willll alwayssss loveee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :o
  14. Omium

    We are most likely in a simulated universe

    Just because you cant prove something is untrue, Doesnt mean its true. Naw
  15. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Hm, What you said made things a little clearer for me. I didnt know thats what we needed to know. I did SOME textbook questions about single waves only. Maybe thats why im lost :S. Thanks
  16. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Ive "started" them, but doing them made me angry so ive stopped. The Waves questions are impossible. How about you?
  17. Omium

    Does God exist?

    You on coke boi?
  18. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    If you dont like the threads we post in, Don't click on them and read them. Simple as that.
  19. Omium

    How do i know if my story is good enough?

    Post your story up here.............. Are you like 90% of other 4unit english people whose tutors """help""" them with their final work?