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  1. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I got so intimidated when i saw basically 1000 chairs and tables at randwick in that big hall....
  2. Omium


    The day your offer from UNSW is released which is about 2 weeks after your UAI is released
  3. Omium

    UTS(good or bad)

    . 08'ers seem to know quite a lot.. despite never being to uni.
  4. Omium

    Hamas Prepares Holy War, Kills 7 Palestinians

    Yes Hamas are scums. and Israel is a victim
  5. Omium

    What do you hate about law students?

    How is mooting? Where do they hold them? Is it possible to see one at UNSW ?
  6. Omium

    UTS(good or bad)

    Oh My God. WTF. Hmm... WTF? OMFG. You must be brain-dead.
  7. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I should start swearing randomly at you but.. Since your an engineer :) Oh, I probably want to do a mining subject next year as an elective. Its called MINE1000 (or similar), it sounded pretty interesting (explosives.. etc) How is it?
  8. Omium

    subject selection regrets..

    So true Quality of HSC subjects have become farcical. Maths is the only "real" subject left i reckon.
  9. Omium

    What Is The True Christian Church?

    OMG (bangs head against wall) :headbang: , WTF? Obviously every christian church thinks they are the true chrisitan church or else they wouldnt be following that churches teachings. Please tell me you were joking?
  10. Omium

    How Is Death Mourned In Islam?

    Its significant because it means that the person is dead I think they mean that the person is dead Internet is your friend. I advise you try and actually research something first before you post on this website. This website wont do your assignment for you
  11. Omium

    Does God exist?

    Im so ashamed i live in the same suburb as you.
  12. Omium

    Ice found on Mars.

    Reply with more than a sentence proving my statements wrong. In a sense we all desregard each other
  13. Omium

    New airport scanners see underneath clothing

    Wtf You wish Of course you would...... Did you read the article?
  14. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Question: As im doing a combined chemical engineering / commerce degree..... How many extra years must i do to get my masters?
  15. Omium

    Engineering Week 2008?

    Um, What exactly do you do in engineering week
  16. Omium

    Is Facial Hair Sexy?

    HOT!, I can feel the heat from here :)
  17. Omium

    New airport scanners see underneath clothing

    Im so becomming a security guard at the airport.