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  1. Omium

    maths tutor

    lol I think one of the reaons im going "pretty good" at uni is the fact that i had to do EVERYTHING by myself at school. Like i had a shocking chemistry teacher. so i literally taught myself the chemistry course and finished it in term 2 (2 terms before HSC). Any questions that i didnt...
  2. Omium

    Recent $10/11 rise in price p/barrel

    And i thought 08'ers were shocking posters.
  3. Omium

    Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE

    My school went to an interfaith dialogue thingy with Moriah College. The Jews there were pretty kewl. The weirdest part of the dialogue was when the teacher asked; "What are some stereotypes you guys have about the other race". Things got VERY interesting here. On another...
  4. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    On another note; i just realised i topped 500 posts :shy:
  5. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    lol, i didnt buy the textbooks. They are basicallly useless, You dont need either of them. The online tutorials for MATS1101 are AWESOME in terms of understanding the work . they are basically better than the textbook. There is also a seperate "prescribed" textbook for Chemistry. but once...
  6. Omium

    maths tutor

    OMG, look. you THINK you need tutoring. Just put in extra effort at home. Seriously. I got awesome in my 3unit HSC mainly because i put in so much effort in at home and any questions i couldnt answer i would ask my teacher. Its supposed to be 80% you, 20% Teacher. Once again, you THINK...
  7. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Yer ceic1001 is engineering chemistry. i havent read its course outline or anything though :S
  8. Omium

    Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE

    Everybody sign my petition to relocate this school to Camden k?
  9. Omium

    Best Political Youtube

    It really would take someone as dumb as you to waste their time on a video like that.
  10. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    on another note... What mark do you guys need to pass Physics? I calculated mine at 7% for the final exam.. Pretty cool since i havent attended a physics lecture since the Joe wolfe era
  11. Omium

    General Engo Talk.

    Sustainabile management...... :S hmmm, it sounds extremely useless. Oh, What subjects you doing next semester ? You ganna follow the "recommended" course structure? or just do your own. Mine are ENGG1811 CEIC1001 (Engineering Chem)...
  12. Omium

    Best Political Youtube

    Another utterly useless post by Iron.
  13. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    Thats higher chem right?. I heard the 3 hour labs are a killer and people say its STILL impossible to finish in time
  14. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    I would, but to tell you the truth, ive thrown SOME of my lab ones away, and they are so freakn easy. If you need any help with any of them you can post the questions here and ill be happy to help you. Though ill look for ones that i havent thrown away. Ive written "Notes" for Materials and...
  15. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    k, MATS1101 is much easier than PHYS1121. Its divided into 2 strands; Chemistry and Materials. Materials is basically memorisation, however towards the end it gets a little harder. For Chemistry. its basically all year 12 stuff up untill week 9, Where they get into some complex...
  16. Omium

    anyone know UAI for health and exercise science

    My friends doing that in UWS. i think its 82 for UNSW. Though im not sure
  17. Omium

    Christian preachers face arrest for passing out leaflets in Muslim neighbourhood

    That star with the circlely thing in the middle looks awesome.