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  1. Omium

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    I need a laptop to steal internet off UNSW :(
  2. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    I was outside Kieth Burrows and i heard an alarm go off... I initially thought it was a drill...... Then this bell kept ringing and the fire dudes came. and im running around trying to look for smoke then i thought to myself. "How the heck would a fire start in the maths building?" So i walked...
  3. Omium

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    YOUR CRAZY. My 4 lecturers are 4 very old men in their 60's.
  4. Omium

    Looks like Im getting kicked out of Extension

    If you were in year 12, i would of told you straight out. "You wont last". and if you continue this way you wont. In year 11 i was getting 50-70% in Ext1 math. In year 12 you will get used to the style of Ext1 type of questions and you should get your average up really high. The highest mark...
  5. Omium

    ENGG1000 Projects !!

    WOW congrats man, whoa, NICE
  6. Omium

    Religious affiliation

    lolll, :giddy:, funny, but idiotic:uhhuh:
  7. Omium

    Baby Jumping

    Gaga googoo :sleep:
  8. Omium

    Do You Support the Death Penalty?

    Youve been watching too many movies son.
  9. Omium


    Student tutor? How do you do that? Does that mean that if you get good marks (HD) in a subject you can become a tutor for that?
  10. Omium

    ENGG1000 Projects !!

    Stuffed up.... I was group 5. We were the first group not to make it work...... 5/20 There goes the distinction in ENGG1000. 35 cells..... There was a short circuit somewhere, or the motor burnt out. Which group were you in?
  11. Omium


    Man, your lucky you got average tutors. One of my tutors is so "shy" he barely speaks, doesnt engage the class and just writes on the board. My calculus tutor keeps getting questions wrong, on the plus side, she never stops talking and is quite funny..
  12. Omium

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    hmm; I dont go to many lectures any more. Every week i skip: 3, 1 hour physics lectures 3, 1 hour materials lectures 1, 1 hour materials tutorial 1, 2 hour ENGG1000 Lab 2, 1 hour ENGG lectures As you can see i skip on average 11 hours of classess out of around 16 per week. I...
  13. Omium

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Interesting toilet discussion... please continue...
  14. Omium

    Amy Winehouse: Latest Israeli Resident! LOL

    The best thing to happen in Israels 60 years of existance :shy:
  15. Omium


    Hardness wise :S