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  1. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    You Philandering coward, How dare you get back on topic. Quite frankly your attitude is disgusting. Shame.... Shame on you :shy:
  2. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    Yer, In Physics and maths lectures theres quite a lot of girls, the guys still outnumber them prolly around 3-1 or 4-1
  3. Omium

    "The Secret" creator sued

    The chasers
  4. Omium

    Lowering petrol tax

    lol, Instead of Lowering Petrol tax to save each of us $4 a week, Wouldnt you like to spend that tax on hospitals.....
  5. Omium

    Terrorism raid 'message'

    pure ownage
  6. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    Yes i did, Its niceee, i walked done the hall and i heard people screaming so im like hmmmmmmm...... and i took a look inside. it looks pretty awesome, Nintendo Wii, Comfortable couches and that "Foozball" thingy. Chem Eng is the best :) do other Engineering faculties have the stuff we have?
  7. Omium

    Max units load per semester

    Wow, Im doing Eng/Commerce Next semester can i do 36UOC ??????? I thought you were only allowed to take 24?
  8. Omium

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    Hi, Im Omium, I like Cookies
  9. Omium

    Max units load per semester

    You crazy bastard
  10. Omium

    DR CARL vs. RUSS OVERHALL ur bets...

    I just read Dr. Carls message.. LMAO you guys got OWNEDDD
  11. Omium

    HSC 2008 Co-op Scholarship

    Im a 1st year undergrad am i allowed to apply? is there any scholarships i can apply for?
  12. Omium

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    Correct... All muslims i know (myself included) Have a dart-board at home in the shape of Israel, when we walk past it we throw darts at it........ (Sarcasm. [just in case you didnt realise])
  13. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    I got 9/10 :(:(:( How did you do the scuba diving one? which formulas u use? The W = nRTIn(Vi/Vf) (or something like that) didnt work :S
  14. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    INTERNET IS FREAKN AWESOMEEEEEE. Well you need your swipe card to get into the room (just wait like 5 mins for someone to come and walk in with them) Then if you want ask someone to log into their name on one of the computers.. lol i logged into 3 computers at once so my friends could use...
  15. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    er....... Where is the common room???? Today i finally realised the the Chem Eng building had a computer lab... and so i can finalllyy use computers for as LONG as i want whenever i want :):):)):):):). P.S. how come nobody ever anounces the BBQ or anything? (or is it cause i dont know where...
  16. Omium

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    is the the room on the first floor that has "social hub" on it?
  17. Omium

    Lebanon at War again!

    Aryan just committed suicide...
  18. Omium

    UNI Ranks

    EVERY UNI is perceived as very good. (except UWS)