Search results

  1. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I once saw an Asian at UWS !!. True story. (serious!!)
  2. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Back on track...... International students who walk very fast and go in front of me.. then suddenly slow down and walk like ants. Like.. wtf?
  3. Omium

    Photovoltaic & solar energy??? Or any other engineering degree..

    All engineering streams start off EXACTLY the same. They are all reasonably hard. From what Ive heard electrical and chemical are the hardest. However no degree is gana be a walk in the park. Im a first year and straight out, its tough, Physics and Maths occupy a lot of time but if your...
  4. Omium

    Iemma to face possible suspension

    Iemma rulz :wave:
  5. Omium

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    Happy Birthday Israel/
  6. Omium

    Is Civil engineering the easiest engineering

    All Engineering courses are extremely hard; Electrical will prob be the hardest with the level of maths involved.
  7. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    Sigh, Your arguements are all over the place First it was "So Cause Palestinan dont have clean running water they can go to an Israeli school and shoot people" Your picking out arguments and placing them in random situations. I never said that. Secondly. Ive condemned the attack above...
  8. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ive never eaten asian food. But i like rice, Thats pretty asian though. Any nice stuff you guys recommend
  9. Omium


    Where is maccas ??!?!?!?!?!?! Where is oportos??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I have to settle for kebabs... :(
  10. Omium

    Jail... If you don't send kids to school

    Something more important than Parents going to jail.
  11. Omium

    Does God exist?

    Ill SHOW ya something thats More IMPORTANT THAN GOD EXISTING?
  12. Omium

    OH MY GOD!! Muslims Outnumber World's Catholics

    The Revolution has begun??:hammer:
  13. Omium

    subscribing to podcasts

    Good question :)
  14. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    you made me lol here. Why dont you ever criticise Israel? Your views are clearly biased. When did i say that Palestinian children can be used as shields solely because their water is polluted? Why dont you criticse the use of Palestinian child shields by Israel? You clearly possess a biased...
  15. Omium

    Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school

    Sigh, When did i support the killing of innocents? I have never once supported the killing of innocents. I likewise i condemn the act of killing those children. Have you actually read my posts? Most of them are pwning Aryanbeauty's extreme views that the children of Gaza should die Unlike...
  16. Omium

    UTS engineering to UNSW

    I really hope for your sake that your being sarcastic.
  17. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    UNSW has too many Antarcticans.
  18. Omium


    Sigh...... Islam must be stopped.:mad: I suggest nuclear warheads
  19. Omium

    City's worst laser attacks on aircraft

    Re: Continuum Transfunctioner No, Definetly Islamic Terrorism.