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  1. Omium

    Anyone going to UNSW@ADFA?

    Whats a ADFA? how does it work? how does it help?. and nine years for??
  2. Omium

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    lol. You seem to be talking to yourself in this thread (in case you hadnt noticed) , you occupied all of Page 9... We get it... Israel Rulzz Palestine Sux. The End.
  3. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    lol (Usyd marketing department takes notes...) Biomed lecture theatres are at the END OF THE WORLD. They should just demolish it and build it near the main walkway.......(possibly over the oval?) We should sign a petition to get rid of the main walkway and build one MASSIVE escalator thingy...
  4. Omium

    Muslims declare jihad on uni timetables

    Ive been praying 5 times a day for the past 6 years of my life. My friends have all been praying 5 times a day for around 5 years. It depends on who you hang out with. Then again... From my experiences.. around 85% of Muslims in that Age-bracket dont actually pray.... But there are quite a...
  5. Omium

    ENGG1000 Projects !!

    crap... lol I built the car.. Battery is weird
  6. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Yer Engineering is awesome. UNSW is actually very good.
  7. Omium

    Nuclear Iran

    Well now..... Your living in the past dude. Only country which wants to obliterate Israel post 1967 is Iran.
  8. Omium

    Nuclear Iran

    Nuclear weapons should be banned universally. FFS if one bomb can kill 50 000 people and leave generations after that with genetic mutations resulting in cancers and other diseases. How can a logical person support building these bombs.? What good does keeping these bombs do? Instead of...
  9. Omium

    Nuclear Iran

    Ba'al Shem Tov
  10. Omium

    Griffith University the Next Top Australian Madrassa?

    hahahahahahahahahaha. Your so funny man. :uhhuh:
  11. Omium

    UNSW or USYD

    Aeronautical Engineering.. Owned. Your studying 4 years so you can learn how to correctly fire a piece of metal in the air? Edit: lol
  12. Omium

    More Assessments this semester?

    lol cant wait till that part of my degree starts
  13. Omium

    More Assessments this semester?

    Unfortunately Cartoons have taught me that this doesnt work...
  14. Omium

    UNSW or USYD

    Get a life and do a real degree like..... chemical engineering and commerce double degree.
  15. Omium

    Nuclear Iran

  16. Omium

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    What happened to you man.... you used to be cool :(:(
  17. Omium

    AIDS Cure Discovered

    lol, exactly what i was going to say half way through :)
  18. Omium

    Happy Birthday Israel!

    Your a mind reader!! Thats Exactly what i was Thinking !!! Your so cool, wana sex me?