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  1. Omium

    S2 textlist

    lol MATH1131 textbook makes me more confused :S. Its absolutley useless. Lucky i got it for only $60. But good thing is.. its pretty thick so when i get older and have my own office ill stack it up there and people will be like "WHOAAA your so smart you got so many big textbooks"
  2. Omium

    S2 textlist

    They need textbooks
  3. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    56342) There are quite a bit of theives hanging around......... (I left my bag outside and when i came out it was emptyed out with everything taken out and left on the side..... lol what idiots.. its like im gana keep my wallet there...) 56343) Idiots who are too tight to use their own...
  4. Omium

    LOL Print Quota

    Please tell me you abuse it. Please tell me you print at least 1000 empty pages a day. then take them home and use in your home printer. Or print 1000 a day and sell them. $$$$$$$ Man, im transferring to mining
  5. Omium

    Best Arts Level One Elective

    Do PHYS1131. Its very very easy, It has a 75% HD rate
  6. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    :jaw: He is everywhere.. and he is nowhere
  7. Omium

    LOL Print Quota

    Option 1) hmm, Transfer to Chemical engineering so you can get $30 FREE credit every semester. Option 2) Kill the biatch (although this means youll have to pay the entire bill by yourself :()
  8. Omium

    S2 textlist

    Yea i was :(
  9. Omium

    B Eng/ BCom

    Im doing B Eng and a B Comm Though im doing Chemical Engineering and Commerce (Economics). You can do B Software Engineering and B of Acturial Studies. There are 4 Key Subjects you need to do for your commerce degree. These are Microeconomics Macroeconomics Financial and Accounting...
  10. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Ive seen No cops, But ive seen one emo guy with a cape. Looked pretty cool :karate:
  11. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    I should be a tutor and show em how its done. Seriously, its not that hard to engage the class. 1) Tell people to introduce themselves 2) Say a joke you rehearsed off the net 3) Do a fun mini quiz 4) Teach the class I dont understand how tutors can be so boring?. If you werent social, didnt...
  12. Omium

    Swap Maths Papers

    which lame person buys HSC papers? Wtf? This site has thousands of past papers. You dont need to buy anything. If your doing more than 30 past papers for a subject your an idiot.
  13. Omium

    chemical engineering

    Chem Eng Rulzzzz. Im still a first year but ive spoken to 3rd and 4th years and according to them its very challenging.
  14. Omium

    chemistry tutor needed 4 yr 12 student

    You think you need a tutor. Theres no real effective possible way to tutor chem. Its much more effective and it will prepare you for uni if you study by yourself.
  15. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    + Forbid, How is ENGG1811 ???? Im probably ganna take it next semester. Ive got NO computing background whatsoever, is it difficult? and how many assessments are there for it (Ive looked EVERYWHERE for a course outline and cant find it)
  16. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    lol thats slack. In other news: One of my friends, An international topped PHYS1131 with a mark of 92 and got an award
  17. Omium

    Amy Winehouse: Latest Israeli Resident! LOL

    Oh yes, this comming from a guy who can't spell Thief. Come back when your IQ exceeds that of a 2 year old
  18. Omium

    What you hate about UNSW

    Incorrect. U = mgh Assume h = 50metres Mass = 85kg g= 9.8 m/s^2 Total Energy Expended = 50*85*9.8 = 41650 J However If we assume the stairs rise 250Metres (Taking the stairs beginning from the electrical engineering...
  19. Omium

    Falling asleep in lectures.

    MATH 1081, I wanted to do that next semester but it clashed with a subject of mine. How is it? Content wise and hardness wise