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  1. wrxsti

    NBA Basketball

    Doesnt anybody here watch basketball.... NBA?? :(:(:(:( no threads about it
  2. wrxsti

    Last years test too hard?

    omg i was looking at last years paper for 3unit and is it only me or is it the hardest test youve ever seen............. i guess its gud for us cause well dat means it should be pretty easy dis year i guess :S
  3. wrxsti

    Need help with dropping subjects.

    Just curious as to what school you go to?
  4. wrxsti

    Have you been studying these school holidays???

    What did you get up to these Holidays Just wondering what everybody did these holidays....:)
  5. wrxsti

    feel cheated and jaded-a warning to all UWS students

    Gurl power, ppl like u piss me off? u chose a course that u know shit about. Ur telling me that only after your degree you realised the job prospects. Thats seriously pathetic. When i chose my degree, i did the most extensive research possible to know everything about the degree, job prospects...
  6. wrxsti

    Do we need to mention states for Equations?

    i was just wondering if we needed to mention states for chemical equations like in the long answer questions... in the success one books they dont include states for the euqations in the long answer questions
  7. wrxsti

    Difference between Bpsych courses.

    doing any of those courses wont make you a registered psychologist. you need to complete your masters to become a NSW registered psychologist (or whatever state). pretty lame imo.
  8. wrxsti

    Passivating H3Po4 ?

    thanks by the way.. wat was ur HSC chemistry mark. omg. every question i put up here u answer. lol u top the state in chem ? :S
  9. wrxsti

    looking for solutions to CSSA Ext 1 Trial 2006

    is there a website where u can download em? i need 2005 and 2006 solutions if anyone has them plz :) if u can plz email em to me
  10. wrxsti

    Space Engineering

    UWS introduced the 'Space & Satellite Communication' course, in mid autumn semester during my physics lecture 2007. Sounds very interesting, my lecturer said if you want to create your own satellite company where you provide pay tv to customers, its a great course. I dont know exactly what...
  11. wrxsti

    Neap papers?

    Does anyone know where to get NEAP past papers from? or does anybody have any of them so they could send to my email plz or if anybody has any CSSA catholic schools papers. any would be appreciated :) (none of BOS Neap papers work :(
  12. wrxsti


    tarahd! your a BLOODY baby, u doing the easiest subjects for the HSC and ur whinging and stressing out. Just stop thinking of ALLL the stuff you need to do and just start one - by -one and then suddenly you will realise it can be done. Stop whinging and depressing you low-life.. start your...
  13. wrxsti

    special relativity

    1 + 1 = window?
  14. wrxsti

    medical physics resources

    above this thread there are a few links to some websites and peoples websites with notes. it was VERY VERY VERY VERY x100 helpful for me everything became clear. i dont know exactly ill see if i can post up the link exactly in a few days or something but if you check there now u should find...
  15. wrxsti

    NOTES - finishes or unfished?!

    Chemistry : Finished :) Physics: Finished :) Business Studies : Finished :) 3unit maths : Finished :) 2unit Maths: Finished :) 2unit and Ext English : 0% Finished :S Too lazy to write essays :S i havent written any notes nor practised any type of tests. lol. its just so ..... weird...
  16. wrxsti

    Passivating H3Po4 ?

    if an iron nail is coated with a layer of H3Po4 and left to dry will it form a passivating layer?
  17. wrxsti

    HSC Solutions?

    Does anyone have any of the 2006 or 2005 HSC Solutions? or does anybody know where i can get them? (as in website... not Sucess books :S) if anyone has them could u send them to my email or if you know a website please post it up thanx
  18. wrxsti

    Inequalties Question

    wow thanx for ur help guys
  19. wrxsti

    Inequalties Question

    1/(x-1)(x-3) < -1 any help wud be appreciated :S....
  20. wrxsti

    General Solution

    Can anybody help me with this question... Find the General solution to Sin(2x) - sin(4x) = sin (3x) Any help wud be appreciated... i dont even know how to begin