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  1. wrxsti

    Two Motion questions

    that question just diminished any confidence i ever had in ext math
  2. wrxsti

    Integrate secx

    just do 1/cosx take cosx to top so u get (Cosx)-1 mmhmmm then integrate i fink
  3. wrxsti

    Some questions...

    I dont think anybody will answer all of the questions there.... i can Answer Question 5) Ethanol can be produced from Renewable resources. It can be produced via Fermentation C6H12O6 --> C2h5OH + 2CO2. However this is a very energy intensive process as a lot of energy is needed in obtaining...
  4. wrxsti

    are haloalkanes the same as halons?

    u r weird...... :S...... haloalkanes and halons are the same.. they are both halogenated alkanes with all Hydrogens substitued with Flurine and Bromine Common uses include fire extinguishers
  5. wrxsti

    PwC partner salary

    what do you mean by a partner? an employee? lol im a newb, i dont know mucha bout business. so whats a partner?
  6. wrxsti


    FREAK..... that is all :)
  7. wrxsti

    What Module are you guys up to?

    lol, i wanted to do astrophysics or quanta to quarks... but teacher forced us to do medical. the thing is we only have 4 people in our physics class and we all wanted to do it :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
  8. wrxsti

    studying for trials

    pray day and night and hope a miracle happens :)
  9. wrxsti


    How many supplementaries should we use?
  10. wrxsti

    Simple Harmonic Motion

    this is my bros name... i cant be bothered making a new one :)
  11. wrxsti

    What Chem Module u up to

    Just wondering what module evry1 is up to? we are finishing off Chemical Monitoring :S
  12. wrxsti

    What Module are you guys up to?

    i was just wondering what module everybody is on? my class just started option module medical physics
  13. wrxsti

    Simple Harmonic Motion

    My textbook has the equation for displacement as x=acos(nt+alpha) i did all the questions and got em rite...... i went to fitzpatrick book and worked through dose questions about SMH and got em all rong :S ....... they use x=asin(nt+alpha) ummmm which one are you supposed to use? :S
  14. wrxsti


    they will expel you from the uni, and ban you from other university institutions all over australia, New Zealand and the pacific islands.
  15. wrxsti

    Cops call me for speeding?

    CIVID, ur a fucken moron if you think it was actually the cops. If they seen ya, they would of booked you on the spot. They got your number, so they must have got ur numberplate, meaning they would of come to your house and booked you there, or even sent a fine in the mail, instead of a bullshit...
  16. wrxsti

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    lol just the fact that like... every question is like different from the one before makes P and C hard... and you never know what to expect
  17. wrxsti


    i did physics in yr 11.... and half a term in yr 12... i dropped it and piked it up 3 weeks ago.. cause i dropped 3unit english :S.... Physics is easy... seriously... if you put the hard work in... the teacher made my assesment worth 60% and i got 94% with only 3 weeks to memorise 3...
  18. wrxsti

    Chemical Ali sentenced to death

    thanks to george bush?? your pathetic....another typical little ignorant kid who believes all that the media about when america invaded iraq. They have killed over thousands of civilians..resulting in Iraq now being a place of violent chaos and civil war. Pm me, and ill show you...
  19. wrxsti

    Ernst & Young

    800-900 students
  20. wrxsti

    URGENT help choosing chem elective

    Shipwrecks is fun....