Search results

  1. wrxsti

    Sulphate Anion presence in water...why?? even the vaugest idea would help!!

    Acid rain can react and produce sulfate, Sulfate used in some fertilisers?? Pesticides? umm, Natural salt content of the Ocean/Water Bodies. Sulfate reducing bacteria. (Shipwrecks)
  2. wrxsti

    JOB Offer

    pfft pathetic, i see these job offers all over the internet, the biggest scams in my opinion I think a MOD should delete this thread!
  3. wrxsti

    Engineering students at UWS(Penrith)

    i just finished my first semester at uni, i was wondering if any engineering students in their 2nd year and beyond can tell me what i can study. in terms of textbooks(1st semester or new ones) to be a little prepared for 2nd semester?? thank you
  4. wrxsti

    what should i do?

    this kid has no idea about his future....arr were like me...until i took up engineering... goodluck i good course for you would be 'Law'....cause YOUR FULL OF SHIT!!!
  5. wrxsti

    Exponential model, finding c/y intercept?

    i think i speak for everyone when i say... WHAT da heck are you on about?
  6. wrxsti

    Chemical Engineering

    hey im in year 12 and im thinking about doing chemical engineering next year... i was just wondering is it easy to like get into a job/career being a chemical engineer... ive heard dat its really hard to find a job for it... is that true.... note: i wana do chemical engineering /commerce
  7. wrxsti

    Design job

    email this guy, his a friend of mine, name is George Kuri (Boss), and his looking for some graphic design students. the email is email him your resume/cover letter, and just a brief description of what your looking for in the company. ( tell him Billy advised you...
  8. wrxsti

    may you help me in this problem????

    what ive got for this dude.... French Chemist... Performed experiments to show that the atmosphere contained oxygen.... reasoned that acids consist of 2 substances one of which is oxygen..... All acids contain oxygen (NOTE: he performed experiments on CH3COOH and other oxygen based Acids ...
  9. wrxsti

    Interview/group Assessment

    What would some good attributes be for a position as a 'customer service officer'. Maybe something like: confident, well-spoken, helpful, friendly, can-do attitude??? good or not?? lol could any1 name any good ones i could say if it arises in the interview?
  10. wrxsti

    Interview/group Assessment

    hi guys, ive got this interview for a 'customer service' person. The lady from HR emailed me with information. Its an interview with group assessment/activties...and its 3 HOURS .... and plus the interview is not directly with the company i think, but rather a recruitment agency... anyone...
  11. wrxsti

    what should i do?

    yes..... anywayz.....
  12. wrxsti

    what should i do?

    Eng/Com - your doing good level of mathematics
  13. wrxsti

    David Jones

    as if his not gana giv u a day off or 2, fucken tell him that u got uni and u cant work, plus tell him ur a casual and ur obligated to work a 6 day/week shift.... u gotta fucken stand up for urself, wen u speak to him, talk in a loud and firm voice, and he will keep attacking you, show him...
  14. wrxsti

    So, is PS3 any good?

    true true, just check before purchase.
  15. wrxsti

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    Just wanted to see what everybody thinks is the hardest topic. personally i found Permutations and Combinations sooo hard :(.... even though everyone im my class loved it. :S
  16. wrxsti

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Israel & Palestine well said
  17. wrxsti

    What careers could these majors in econs/commerce lead to?

  18. wrxsti

    So, is PS3 any good?

    your going to give every1 a headche by doing that.....if you want to play ps3 games, then buy a ps3, if you want to play ps2 games, then buy a ps2 or play the one you already have... I wouldnt buy a ps3 to play ps2 games or make a big fuss about it
  19. wrxsti


    OMG.....its still going....i think this thread is eventually going to be more popular then the 'Ernst & young' thread. lol
  20. wrxsti


    OK!!!!!! seeing as i started this thread and i thought id only get 5 replies, which would of satisfied me, ive got over 200 and its all non-sense, i would like to end Engineering and Business in my opinion are the greatest courses currently in uni. They both help in society in ways we...