Search results

  1. wrxsti

    Calibration curves

    i hate conquering chemistrry 99% of the questions will NEVER be in the HSC...
  2. wrxsti

    How many texts from stimulus

    Just wondering how many texts we shud know from the stimulus? and also how many supplementaries shud we use?
  3. wrxsti

    Dux of your school

    my skool highest UAI's "05" 95.2 "06" 80 (note he was very very lucky to get 80 had only one mark in the 80's (88 for business studies and the rest 70's) this year.... everyone is expecting me to get highest UAI in schools...
  4. wrxsti

    Case Study?

    Where do we incorporate our case study... i was just looking at the 2006 HSC... like wherebouts do we mention about our case study???????
  5. wrxsti

    Marketting Plan

    For the HSC do we need to know how to like strucuture a marketting plan and do we need to do a marketting plan for a business?
  6. wrxsti

    Extension Course

    Have any of your schools finished the Extension course yet? we just got one more topic left so i was just wondering if any other schools have almost finished?
  7. wrxsti

    Mining or Petroleum engineering

    is it true that only unsw offers those courses, man thats sad, how come uts doesnt offer mining and petroleum engineering? with a starting salary or 90-100 k, man thats awesome with travel. is mining and pet engineering that exclusive only to be offered at unsw
  8. wrxsti

    Hardest Module

    i find chem reeli weird... like so many different places have different info... its weird.... lol i sorta lik calculations part. pretty simple...
  9. wrxsti

    RNA and mRNA...

    the difference is that mRNA has an "m" infront of the RNA.... its very simple...... i dont even do biology and i know this
  10. wrxsti

    Oxygen concentration in water

    Um.... i dont know how this works.. im hoping someone can explain it to me... in my notes i have......... 21% oxygen concentration in atmoshpere... relative percentage in water is 36%.... it then has an explanattion and says there is a much lower oxygen concentration in water than in air...
  11. wrxsti

    Passivating Iron

    What is meant by Passivating Iron (as a means of protecting the metal hull)
  12. wrxsti

    Dux of your school

    Ours last year was 95.5 the previous high was 90.1 lol our school is pretty dumb.. we got ranked last in our district lol....
  13. wrxsti

    Ethene to Polyethene

    What catalysts should be used and why? :S
  14. wrxsti


    Describe the reaction involved when a condensation polymer is formed. ? Um does this lik mean that water is condensed out.? what else shud i mention?
  15. wrxsti

    DO (Dissolved Oxygen)

    thanx for the help, my teacher is really stupid... so im going through the whole course by myself....... my class is almost finished Acidic Environment dats how slow we going :S
  16. wrxsti

    DO (Dissolved Oxygen)

    Umm... this is the first dot point for the last focus of chemical monitoring.. can somebody please tell me what test you would use to determine the ammount of Dissolved Oxygen in a river... including equations.. thanx
  17. wrxsti

    [help] using indicators to test pH of coke

    Methly Orange...
  18. wrxsti

    Hardest Module

    do you guys do similar modules as us?
  19. wrxsti

    Need Help!

    00oooooo Sounds like fun..... choose Nuclear Chemistry... Transuranic Elements... and how technology has enabled them to be produced.... particle accelerators.. nuclear reactors... cyclotrons...
  20. wrxsti

    Engineering at Macquarie

    go to UTS, should be 40 mins away :D