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  1. wrxsti

    What is the most online played game on the internet?

    8 Million For Wow.......whoaaa Thats Alot, I Wish Bf2 Or Call Of Duty Had That Much How Is Wow So Popular Man, I Cant See Why Its So Interesting, In My Opinion Its Boring.... Lol But Its My Yeh
  2. wrxsti

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Israel & Palestine May i also add.... i had this Jewish friend..... who said. that a year ago her parents sent her to Israel where she went on this special camp and on this "special" camp they would show them all videos... and feed them all this crap about Jews being "the greatest race in...
  3. wrxsti

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Israel & Palestine Ok firstly im not a muslim, but I find it amazing how ignorant you “Britany Spears” can be about this issue… its amazing how blind some of you people can be….. especially “Britany Spears”. Firstly those things concerning Prophet Muhammed… My Studies of Religion teacher...
  4. wrxsti

    "Resume" Uni or No Uni

    hello, i was just wondering, should i include in my resume that i go to Uni or not, im trying to get a part-time/casual job, i have applied to many many places but get no replies or just rejections. for eg i applied for this customer account coordinator position, it said u dont need any...
  5. wrxsti

    What is the most online played game on the internet?

    how about call of duty or battlefield....are they popular online????... ive played call of duty online but on ps2 most people online were like 50..
  6. wrxsti

    Full Version Games

    hii i was wondering if anyone knows where i can download full version games. like call of duty or battlefield.... proper versions.. are there any websites or shared programs? i tried using torrent spy, but it always stops downloading and it fucks up anyhelp will be great...plzzz...
  7. wrxsti


    does unsw have chicks?? coool i thought the prestigious uni's for engineering has no chicks? LMAOO
  8. wrxsti


    i really do feel slack for jb_nc, knowing his going to graduate knowing he wasted 4 years of his life..... and he his all fired up and angry that his dream is shattered.... I LOVE UWS ENGINEERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASLEAST WE GOT CHICKS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. wrxsti

    arggggg chem

    Yeah i know
  10. wrxsti

    Strong + Weak Acids/ Bases

    really u dont need to know the full on complicated ones..... basically weak : citric acid, Acetic Acid, Carbonic Acid Strong: HCl Sulfuric Acid, Phosphoric Acid
  11. wrxsti

    English Ext 1 - Worth Doing?

    Dont do extension english....... u will regret doing it .... like i am right now :(
  12. wrxsti

    Biology Right Now?

    Hey i was just wondering.... i havnt done the prelim bio course and nothing from the HSC course.....but i want to take up biology now cause i absolutely hate 3unit english.... i was just wondering would i be able to catch up on everything like in time for the HSC?..... cause rite now its...
  13. wrxsti

    Electrolytic Cleaning of Copper and LEad

    Can anybody tell me the equations of Lead and Copper compounds saturated with Cl- like there reactions to clean them
  14. wrxsti

    Impressed circuit

    Impressed circuit is used in cathodic protection, can anybody explain the chemistry of the impressed circuit to me please?
  15. wrxsti


    Does anyone have like all the chemistry experiments we need like... for every topic.. if anyone knows where i can find dem.....
  16. wrxsti

    Help me with my Shipwreck's assignment, plizzz......>_<

    Painting with zinc paint...... Painting with any paint...
  17. wrxsti

    Extension Course

    this is my bros name.........
  18. wrxsti

    buying new laptop?

    i want to buy a new laptop, for uni...and possibly playing i want a cheap laptop less then $ is there a laptop like that... how do u know if i laptop is good? powerful? worth the moneY? thanks
  19. wrxsti


    i spoke to my uws career advisor and he told me that if people dont like working in the engineering industry that they can go work for the macquarie bank.....and i was like wtff.... is this true? is this for all engineers or just specialised ones?