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  1. wrxsti

    Harder Graphing...sinx cosx

    is there like a specific way to graph lik (sin^3)x + (cos^3)x = y or lik sin(2x+5) cause the way i graph them is lik i draw up a table and plot values in and see what happens. does anybody know an easier way to do graph them.?
  2. wrxsti

    2005 3unit HSC ANSWERS????????

    does anybody know, or can anybody post a link or can anybody send me the 2005 3unit math HSC answers. ive been looking everywhere and cant find them :(:(:(
  3. wrxsti

    Marks = ...?

    my marks mean absoultely nothing to me.... im not trying to be cocky or anything.... but ive been getting 95+ for everything since yr 7. and well i dont feel anything to be honest. its probably beause when i go home and tell my parents my good marks eg) 95% in a 3unit math and 98% in 2u math...
  4. wrxsti

    Acids, bases, pH

    wtf? wat kinda question is this.........
  5. wrxsti

    Who screwed up half yearlies?

    lol its pretty much da opposite for me... :) i absoultely killed the half yearlies :) 98 for 2u math 96 for 3u math, 89 chem :(:(:(:(:(:(:( and 96business lollll i got 80 for 2u eng and 70 for 3u eng but dey dont count as assesments :)
  6. wrxsti

    3unit English Marks

    What mark in 3unit eng would scale you up, like ive been hearing that even a 37/50 is a good mark. is this easy to get? whats the highest mark you guys have seen for 3unit eng HSC?
  7. wrxsti

    How many hours a day do you study?

    Well um, i study around 3-4 hours a day (as in homework + note writing + memorising notes) i was just wondering how much everybody else did. (by the way dont point out that ive finished the HSC already cause this is my older brothers name and i cant be bothered making a new name for me) lol
  8. wrxsti

    2 Questions Titration and Esters

    OMG thanx lol
  9. wrxsti

    wow no1 does this elective

    just commenting on this elective, omgggg, only 8 threads :S
  10. wrxsti

    jobs without customers

    ouff, what company did u work for?
  11. wrxsti

    2 Questions Titration and Esters

    ive got 2 problems if someone could please help me 1) for titrations, when you get the 3 values, should u average them or use the lowest value. my teacher is really really old and she goes dat you just take the lowest value, but from what i hear you have to take the average... 2) could...
  12. wrxsti

    lol um sorry but one last question Button Cell

    for the Button cell, ive looked everywhere for Environmental impacts of the button cell and the only one i could find was "Not rechargeable" can anybody tell me anymore environmental impacts? Thanxx
  13. wrxsti

    Zinc-Carbon Dry cell

    my oxidation reaction for this is Zn -> Zn2+ + 2e- im sure thats rite but im not so sure about my reduction reaction ive got 2MnO2 + H2 -> Mn2O3 + H20 i had a much longer one but my teacher said this was sufficient, but in my textbook it has a longer and complex reaction... wud this...
  14. wrxsti

    Industrial prudction of Ethanol from Sugar Cane

    in my notes i only have lik 2 lines for this 1) (i rite the equation of fermentation) 2) Ethanol (15% solution) distilled then condensed i know im supposed to mention more but i duno can anyone help me?
  15. wrxsti

    jobs without customers

    im a courier driver, very demanding, little interaction, sexy $$$ $32/hr and im 18 :D
  16. wrxsti

    uws tooooo UNSW

    coool...i like uts for the 2 period- 6month internship, thanks ppl
  17. wrxsti

    uws tooooo UNSW

    for a course of uai 85, and someone getting a uai of 65, would a credit average be enough?? or do unsw even take uws applicants... thanks
  18. wrxsti

    youtube help!!!

    hi, i did a presentation of the brisbane broncos in a powerpoint presentation, and i uploaded it, would it show it on youtube? or is it wrong format, if it is, what kind of programs can i use to creat presentations and put them on youtube? without using a webcam or video camera....
  19. wrxsti


    hi, just wondering how come there isnt companies like Ernst & young, KPMG etc etc but in the field of engineering(civil/structural), where u can undergo their cadet programs, i would nearly like to do a cadetship in engineering, ive been working as a courier driver for 3 and a half years and im...
  20. wrxsti

    HSC Solutions?

    does anybody know where i can get the 2004, 2005 and 2006 solutions for 3u maths HSC papers?