Search results

  1. wrxsti

    Biology Marathon 2006

    Gegor Mendel showed his thoughts on DNA, he was successful cause he was a scientist
  2. wrxsti

    Upload Website

    hi i have just finished my website, but now i need to know how to upload it to th internet, do u know how i can do it, or what program i can use....??? thnaks
  3. wrxsti

    This might be Illegal

    but do you knw where i can get a email spamming program??? lol thanks
  4. wrxsti

    Uai Help

    Hi i really wanna get a 75+ or 80+ UAI. however i think i went very poorly in maths,bus and eng...around low 70s maybe lower for maths...ive got biology and chemistry left with me ranked 2nd in u have if i put in the hard yards and get good for the exams that i can achieve my desired...
  5. wrxsti

    Website Help!!

    thx alot its perfect cheers
  6. wrxsti

    Website Help!!

    hi, im in the last stages of completing my website, But i was wondering does anyone know how to get a: search engine, a forum(like this one) and maybe a login (member) system...can you like download programs for these things or do you have to build it up urself? any help will be appreciated...
  7. wrxsti

    Hsc Marks!!!

    Hi, i was wondering if i am still able to get a band 6 or band 5 in my Chemistry and Biology Examinations, my assessment mark for chem is like 72 and my biology is like ranked 2nd for both it still possible for me to get a band 6 or band 5 if i put in the effort??? thanks in...
  8. wrxsti

    Simpsons rule question

    ooops sry, lol thxx
  9. wrxsti

    Simpsons rule question

    wtf i think urs a problem 1/sin (pi/6) turns out to be 109.43 (to 2 dec pl) how did you get 2???.............
  10. wrxsti

    Simpsons rule question

    wtf i think urs a problem 1/sin (pi/6) turns out to be 109.43 (to 2 dec pl) how did you get 2???.............
  11. wrxsti

    Simpsons rule question

    nice question. I changed cosec to 1/sin, got a syntax error, no help from me, sry mate, anyone else??
  12. wrxsti

    Uai Aim! it hard to get a UAI of 80 or at least 75+ im wanna really get at least 75 + or 80 will be great...but i keep stressing out..thinking its extremely hard to get it and i got no hope... so hard or easy???? honestly
  13. wrxsti

    Cable Tv

    im with optus but im thinking of changing to foxtel digital...anyone know anyhting about foxtel digital..if its good or any good features its got.. whats the best cabe tv current available....
  14. wrxsti

    ICC Champions Trophy

    ive got optus, and how come FOX SPORTS dont show the cricket matches currently happening now with Australia. My cousin goes that, Oputvision caught a person with stolen optus machines that gave out free channels to hundreds even thousands of people. So they are not featuring the matches on FOX...
  15. wrxsti

    Form Info!!!

    i wouldnt be doing this, its just my friend told me that theres a form you can fill out.
  16. wrxsti

    Form Info!!!

    ay is there a form where u can dob in ur teacher to the board of studies for poor teaching of a whole class needs it for business....the exam was today.will it be 2 late for the form or not.. thanks in advance
  17. wrxsti

    Question on computing

    seriously people, be serious
  18. wrxsti

    Business Report!!!

    what are the headings for a business report....i know theres another thread, but its to complex for me, if someone can just giv me a quick summary in dot points or will be greatly appreciated . also ppl have been saying put graphs and are you doing to do that if they...
  19. wrxsti

    School RANKINGS!!!

    Was wondering if anyone knows where i can get a list of the "NSW school rankings list". and i need the complete list (top as my please is like ranked in the 400-500 range also i was wondering if anyone knows how much school ranking helps ur UAI for eg...if the allocated UAI is...
  20. wrxsti

    English and the uai

    shit man, im gana get bad in english....ay so then what mark does the guy that came 17th actually get???