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  1. scuba_steve2121

    So if it isn't leb youths stabbing school children, then who do we blame?

    so I'm a bogan for saying that we shouldn't blame Muslims all the time?
  2. scuba_steve2121

    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    did i even mention Islam? i mentioned two semi totalitarians states in which to live in these states you adapt to their culture or way of life. if your don't do either of the former you get persecuted/ put in jail for it.
  3. scuba_steve2121

    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    why is that people assume white people are the only racist people? (lol said people a little to much) you go to Iran or china in which you become an ethnic minority you don't have a choice you either adapt or piss off. I'm surprised were as tolerant as we are now.
  4. scuba_steve2121

    So if it isn't leb youths stabbing school children, then who do we blame?

    yea.. did anybody even read my post. yes a higher percentage of the Muslim/ethnic population are criminals or are involved in some form of criminal activity. HOWEVER that doesn't absolve the fact that there is a substantial amount of white Australians causing crime in Australia. what I'm...
  5. scuba_steve2121

    Does God exist?

    wait how can an atheist be a fundamentalist?
  6. scuba_steve2121

    So if it isn't leb youths stabbing school children, then who do we blame?

    well I'm actually going to answer this post. The programs on TV that mostly talk about Lebanese stabbing and how terrible it is, are programs made by white people for white people. of course this is expected as 90% of Australia is white. this of course helps my second point, there are more...
  7. scuba_steve2121

    Does God exist?

    I'm a proud atheist and i am quite moral. I'm disgusted at things like teen pregnancy or people abusing drugs and alcohol. Maybe I'm an exception to this rule of yours that all atheists are immoral. OR maybe just maybe you don't need to be religious to be moral
  8. scuba_steve2121

    Youz aussiez are razist against us Lebos

    hsc 2003 grow up much? plus u want another Cronulla riots eh? The whole idea of an ethnic rising against white Australians is insane. Your so clearly outnumbered its not funny
  9. scuba_steve2121

    The libertarian compromise

    I'm an anarcho capitalist so i do hate both parties but.... I would rather have a better economy, so liberals labour has just pissed me off with its Keynesian take of the financial crisis. I think i would be able to handle any limits on my liberties that would be imposed from a liberal party...
  10. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    Hmm well ill have to trust you on that, but the labour theory is a real put off, but otherwise nice to see another ancap supporter.
  11. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    Well the first guy is right wing ancap, the second doesn't understand what capitalism is from what i read. I mean come on he believes in the labour theory of value which is one of the most poor excuses for a theory. The term ancap is fine, it represents the ideal. And if a guy makes a social...
  12. scuba_steve2121

    Muslims plot to take over australia

    Yea basically what i was implying, thank u for agreeing.
  13. scuba_steve2121

    Muslims plot to take over australia

    I know this thread is old but there was no way i was gonna let that slide The definitions of left and right are ever more increasingly getting confused, so I will try to clarify. There are two types of right wingers, right wing libertarians and right wing authoritarians. Right wing...
  14. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    haha ty yea i try to be nice and not flame anybody because that doesn't solve anything. when all i like is just having good discussions about politics or economics btw most people think ancap is stupid because they have lived with a governing body all their life and can't see it any other way...
  15. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    oh I'm sorry if i gave u the wrong impression i am a full on anarcho-capitalist. i don't like saying that i am full on but more that i lean to it because once u say u are full on which i am people don't take your posts seriously anymore.
  16. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    yea hierarchy even in an ancap society would take hold but it would be hierarchy of wealth which is fine compared to when u have a state. on a side note people think that ancap doesn't work because they think it has no rules. it has no laws but it has rules. the rules are dictated by who ever...
  17. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    unequal yes oppressive not unless you're been told what to do and have no option but to agree to it ok i think i see what your saying. thing is what i think your getting at is that everybody must be equal to be free. equality in wealth is usually not a good thing to achieve this u could be a...
  18. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    yoddle what i think u are referring to is the left wing ideal of anarchism. in which u live like people did 10,000 years ago minus some type of tribal leader. anarchism means no leader no state. property is not theft were not communists for goodness sake. may i just say radical left wing...