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  1. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    maybe so but if you are not in jail have a house a nice car easy job i think your level of FREEDOM!!!!! (sorry just got reminded of brave heart) is higher then an individual in jail. so not everybody has to be free for everybody to be free.
  2. scuba_steve2121

    No more entry to unskilled bogan Indians

    When governments have a lot of money they tend to spend it on stupid things. Plus even when they do spend it on needed things it is inefficient and ineffective also the Indian government doesn't have a lot of money it has a massive deficit. this gives it the impression that the country is...
  3. scuba_steve2121

    15 year old steals car, crashes, dies

    Re: Another fatal P-Plate crash look to be honest there are hundreds of car crashes everyday caused by every single age group p platers are just targeted. though i will admit that when they crash it tends to be more often fatal then others. but that is simply because they are inexperienced, as...
  4. scuba_steve2121

    No more entry to unskilled bogan Indians

    ok anyways back on topic and enough of pointless name calling and flaming. imo people in the current system people should only be denied entry if they are A: criminals including terrorists not just the radical Islamic kind who aren't even following their religion by being terrorists...
  5. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    what dictates ownership is that u have a document saying that you own the property because you bought it off somebody. all property in a ancap world is up for sale or if agreed upon by a community there can be collective goods such as a park or a lake that is used for rec purposes. you can...
  6. scuba_steve2121

    Freedom is only privilege extended if it’s not shared by one and all.

    +1 freedom is unachievable as everybody has different definitions of freedom. The only kind of freedom i can see is freedom to do whatever you like on the grounds of your property, but once u step onto a property owned by somebody else you must adhere to their rules. This is unless of course...
  7. scuba_steve2121

    only socialism will stop climate change

    How long will the world's uranium supplies last?: Scientific American says 230 years at current rate of consumption, so imagine the entire world on nuclear power though i will admit as the article goes about on new technologies that could increase the supply and extend the period but atm...
  8. scuba_steve2121

    only socialism will stop climate change

    yea that all sounds good but it would run out. we need to invest gradually in green energy. See estimates and these are really just estimates that if the whole world were to run purely on nuclear power we would be out of uranium 235 (in 10- 20 years. however if it was purely just for us, then...
  9. scuba_steve2121

    Who wants a job?

    i can't believe that you would discriminate against my intellect because of my age. what if i was born in 1985 would u take me more seriously? lol I'am a proud Anrcho-capitalist who just happens to believe that human induced global warming is a piece of shit. your just one of the many memmbers...
  10. scuba_steve2121

    Who wants a job?

    I have been reading up on Economics since i was 13 i have read all of the Das-kapitals and the works of Adam smith so your assumptions on my intelligence are how do i put this nicely.... WRONG XD
  11. scuba_steve2121

    only socialism will stop climate change

    Lol, ok firstly as we all know socialism is the prelude to communism but again as we all know it leads to fascism (which is an epic failure). but socialism as the answer would not work because there are several different types of socialism. The two types that help my point are the green...
  12. scuba_steve2121

    Who wants a job?

    Lol I'm sorry but it doesn't take a genius to realise that inflation is not affected by having no unemployment. Inflation (despite what any high school economics teacher will tell you) is only caused by the changing of the supply of money. more money equals higher rates of inflation, take...