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  1. A

    Othello Thoughts

    I had one of my ideas, saying that in the Elizabethan context it'd be seen as Othello's fault for dying as he refused to assume his "proper" place in society and just lived to his ideology of democracy in the true, Ancient Greek sense of it, not the flawed Elizabethan and even contemporary...
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    Othello Thoughts

    The whole thing with Othello confused me. But here's what I think, anyway. I thought that the reason it was written was not to show the whole tragedy of Othello, but to display the social conventions - what they were and SHOULD have been, according to Queen Lizzie. Because Shakespeare wrote to...
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    Assignment Register

    I just did a Legal assignment on sources of law, for international law. If you're looking for that kinda stuff, helped me. Also those Excel books? Gold.
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    Assignment Register

    Guessing you go to the same school as me, judging by the assignments. Eh... English, same. Religion. Same (over now, but whatever). Ancient. Speech about Arthur Evans, finished. Textiles. General prac/theory work, you get the gist. Spanish, continual. Extension English, nothing yet... Legal...