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    What's your fav subject so far?

    Ancient History, we've got an awesome teacher, and a small class... so it's pretty fun when we actuallly do work, most of the time it's just watching DVDs.
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    Do you need to include author, date, publisher, etc when referencing a website??

    bored of sc: At our school we've got to use that Harvard thing, so this is what I do... (And yep. Author unknown comes up a LOT.) for a webpage Goes: Author. Date published 'Title of page', Title of site, web address (date accessed) book Goes: Author. Date published, Title of book...
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    How many extensions?

    Just English ext. for me. Very very easy... doesn't seem like we're actually learning all that much.
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    Othello Thoughts

    We had so many discussions in class about that, it's one of the best topics to get into... you can go for hours and hours and hours... And agree about Othello's insecurity. I think that's one of the main points Shakespeare's trying to get at: insecurity of ourselves can actually be our...
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    Yr 11 performance

    English: apparently... 16 or 17? Out of 20, that is... An essay on Othello, had a thesis statement, and had to agree/disagree with it. (Very strange. Very strange. Got to the end and realised I'd contradicted my introduction in my conclusion.) Spanish: smooth sailing so far, 100% on all...
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    Spanish 2008

    Ha, can sympathise with the parent speaking Spanish thing, my dad does it, but the funny thing is to watch my cousins. They will go from Spanish to English and not even realise it. My dad refuses to speak Spanish to me because then I get confused, and reply in French. The following is the only...
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    Spanish 2008

    I'm doing Spanish for the same reasons as you, as well as so I can understand what everyone is saying at family things. It's annoying when you're the only one not laughing cuz it's in Spanish.
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    Spanish 2008

    Re: Spanish Takes me about a period (so 45 mins usually), depending on how much listening. Ph. lessons - aren't that long either, just 3 exercises.
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    Spanish 2008

    French - for me, anyway, I suppose the Spanish background helped - was pretty simple. It'd be really easy to pick up, all the grammar rules and stuff are the same.
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    Rounding up on Assessments/Tests.

    Ohhhhh, thanks. I was feeling like such a loser, I mean, 4 years (or 5??) and still not knowing everyone in my year? So who, then, are you?? Anyway, that was helpful stuff. Now I won't be on here later going "WHAT'S GOING ON WITH THE MARKS??" Lol, awesome stuff.
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    Rounding up on Assessments/Tests.

    So wait, Huh? I'm insanely lost. How does it all work? Internal and other ones, the difference. And yeah, sorry, hiding face in shame, but who IS Sophie Francis?? Is she in our year???? I'm so confused :S
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    So how is study going?

    Well, for my general study, I've been... well... Organised (sarcasm). Maybe I'll get it together before the half-yearlies. Speaking of which when are they?
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    Rounding up on Assessments/Tests.

    Depends on when she did the assignment. I mean, if its the very first one, it is pretty strange. But, if not, it changes. Like the whole cumulative rank thing? And if it's from our year, when did we get RE back?
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    Spanish 2008

    Yeah, I've got a background in Spanish, my entire family (dad's side) speaks it. I did French for 3 years too. I'm doing mine through SCDEC (Southern Cross), which is the closest one to my school. I was doing it through OHS but had to change. I keep foregetting to send mine in, you?
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    Spanish 2008

    Re: Spanish Que tal! (That's my favourite) So you doing yours through Sydney? Or are you lucky enough to get it at your school?
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    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    English (advanced & extension) Ancient History Textiles Spanish (d.ed) Studies of Religion 1 Legal Studies.I was doing Society and Culture but dropped it for Ancient. Good, or not?:confused:
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    Assignment Register

    Later, I probably will be doing it too. Easy stuff, but VERY glad to get it out of the way. Whatever we do later in Legal, hope it's just as simple as that one.
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    Spanish 2008

    Spanish Anyone out there doing Spanish for Year 11 & 12? I'm doing mine through Distance Ed, just wondering if there's anyone else who's doing it. And if you've done Distance Ed before, does it get more difficult? Or does it just stay at the constant level of 1 per week, ph call, that stuff.
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    Yr 11 performance

    Got 2 back so far: Ancient History: Speech on archaeologists and the places they discovered. I did Arthur Evans, who found Knossos. 18/20 Legal Studies: 2000 word essay, international law, Darfur, and that kinda stuff. 22/25
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    Introduce yourself, why not?

    Hi. Tash the girl. I go to Xavier, in Ballina (near Byron, if anyone needs to know: bout 30 - 45 mins away?) Finally learning Spanish after about 16 years of enduring family conversations that I couldn't understand - half Chilean Want to go to uni to do creative writing & law (btw, if...