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    ext english related texts gothic.

    We're doing Gothic in Ext. 1 as well, studying Frankenstein (Mary Shelley). Also "Invitation to A Beheading" is meant to be Gothic, my teacher mentioned it more than once though I can't remember author. Harry Potter as well, as everyone mentioned. Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte. Jane Eyre...
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    Im pissed

    Ow. Happened to me in the middle of a massive English speech. My dad's a computer guy though, so he saved half of it. Temp files maybe? I just remember him searching there.
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    english + history skills in other subjects

    Re: how many units do you plan to do for the hsc? It's to do with the fact we speak English. And they want us to know we can deconstruct the poster on the wall while we're sitting on the bus on our way to whatever job we do. :p But you'd get that everywhere, you'd go overseas and you'd...
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    english + history skills in other subjects

    But the whole thing about "englishfied Science and Maths" - that's what we'll get in the HSC (if someone's already said this, sorry for redundancy). I don't think that it has anything to do with so girls can do better than guys or vice versa; it's more that when we come across it on the HSC...
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    how many units do you plan to do for the hsc?

    13, I think. Keeping all my subjects at this stage (see sig) and adding Ext. 2 English. If you replace Ext. 1 with Ext. 2, it'll be 12... but as I have no idea what is up with Ext. 1/Ext. 2 stuff, I'll see what I have to do.
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    If you could pick up additional subjects, what would they be?

    Yeah, it was year 10 for me that made me completely lose - well, I wouldn't say "passion", but a like of, I suppose - Science. I had an awesome teacher year 9, and my year 10 teacher and I just didn't... eh. Didn't like him. So I chose Textiles over Chem and now he makes little snide comments to...
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    If you could pick up additional subjects, what would they be?

    I get that way after a day of Science and Maths. I used to have - in year 8 - English, Maths, Double Science, PE double, then Religion. After English, my day would just go slowly downhill. Especially the Maths/Double Science part.
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    If you could pick up additional subjects, what would they be?

    Can't imagine doing that much Maths! I dropped it entirely, even though my parents and my Maths teacher didn't want me to. Same with Science. Mind you, I'd take that for English.
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    English: Top 1 (I'll take 3) Spanish: Top (I'm the only one, so it's a given, I guess) Textiles: Top 1 RE: Top 10 Legal Studies: Top 4 Ancient History: Top 4 Extension English: Top 4 Eek.
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    What are you currently Reading?

    For English, I have no idea - I think we'll be doing 1984 (George Orwell) next, hopefully that's as good as his others, and as people say! For Extension, last I checked we were doing Frankenstein (Mary Shelley). It was ok, I felt sorry for the monster more than anything. Don't think I'll read...
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    In your opinion what is the most important subject?

    For me it's English. Because I want to be a journalist. Also Textiles (more specifically, the fashion illustration side of it) because it's fun and I could put it in my journalism stuff, if I end up doing fashion journalism. Who knows? And Spanish, because it's pretty annoying not understanding...
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    English Speech!

    stupid logic. why does it have to exist?
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    Are you a maths or english person?

    English. Maths for me just was too much thinking. I didn't really care about x and x's little buddy, y. English to me is much more fun: you get more discussions than in Maths, and so long as you can back up what you think, you're good. Whereas Maths, whatever the calculator says goes, and if...
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    English Speech!

    lol, thanks. That'd be nice. Maybe... sub task??? Do you think he'd give a sub task???
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    If you could pick up additional subjects, what would they be?

    Art (I should have. I so should have) CAFS (except that baby is evil, and very annoying. Never take one out in a public place. People look at you strangely for having a fake baby that cries like a real one and doesn't shut up.) Extension 2 English (which I'll do next year, but I want to do it...
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    Studying over the holidays (yr 11 exams)

    Re: Holiday Plans My tia from Argentina's come over, so I'm spending the holidays with her. Also sleeping a lot, visiting doctors and such (gotta LOVE being sick in the holidays, ahem) and that's just about it.
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    English Speech!

    Aargh! I felt the same way, I got the assignment sent home, and I looked at it and had to go to sleep again it confused me so much. I have jack-all idea what to do, I have deconstructed that "Poison Tree" one and it revolves around 1 idea only. And I have NOOOO idea what to do. Mind you I'll...
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    Mock Trial

    And you are exactly right. Mind you, we lost 1. By 4 points, but we were missing 2 people. So eergh.
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    How long does everyone else have for their first textiles proj.? We had 10 weeks.
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    Mock Trial

    Anybody out there doing Mock Trial? What school are you at?? And what part do you do? We've got our next one tomorrow, but can't go... I'm usually a solicitor. We're Xavier, btw...