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  1. bored of sc

    finding X intercepts

    You can do this: Pretend it's a quadratic but just replace x2 with x4 and x with x2 i.e. x^4 - 29x^2 + 100 = 0 What two numbers multiply to give 100 and add to give -29? -25 and -4 (x2-25)(x2-4) = 0 Now let each factor be equal to zero for values of x. x2-25 = 0 x2 = 25 x =...
  2. bored of sc

    Weird Marking

    Ask the Board of Studies.
  3. bored of sc

    When do we move into the Prelim threads?

    Wow. You got 97 and 98% in music 2 and extension respectively in year 8 (assuming you're 16 years old this year)? I'm very impressed. You can use the HSC forums this year since you have done the HSC maths and extension 1 exams in 2008, just not preliminary yet.
  4. bored of sc

    Song: Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan

    Too simple and cliche imo.
  5. bored of sc

    response task!

    1. White settlement destroyed Aboriginal links with the Dreaming - the key beliefs regarding creation and existence. The main aspects of the Dreaming are kinships (groups, clans), obligations to the land and people, and ceremonial life (e.g. balance rites, initiation etc). Dispossession from the...
  6. bored of sc

    What is your prediction on your Bands!?

    From past experience you are going to well (provided you didn't bomb out in the exam). I got 76% in english trial but 94% in SC exam; 78% in geography trial, 98% in real SC exam. So in summary, don't worry yourself. You did the best you can do, what's done is done. Good luck. I'm sure you...
  7. bored of sc

    SC Marking/Results Process

    Re: How Does The Sc Marking Process Work? Incorrect. If that was the case then nobody would get odd numbered marks. Aligning is basically where everybody's raw marks are increased (usually) to the cut off marks decided for each band. E.g. a band 6 might be 85 raw as the cut off i.e. 90%. If...
  8. bored of sc

    Practice Essay Questions for Belonging

    Re: Area of Study practice essay questions Here's a creative response question: "He is the eternal alien, the outsider." --- Use this as the key idea for a narrative on the concept of belonging.
  9. bored of sc

    What I will NOT miss about year 10

    Year 10 PDHPE isn't really a subject. Well for our school anyway.
  10. bored of sc

    after 5 weeks

    Behind but coping. Only just. Chemistry assignment due in week 7. :apig:
  11. bored of sc

    End Of Year Prelim Report....

    Well deserved. :wave:
  12. bored of sc

    Practice Essay Questions for Belonging

    Re: Area of Study practice essay questions Belonging relies on both conformity and individuality. What is your view? Compose a persuasive response with reference to the prescribed text and 2 other related texts of your own choosing. You will be assessed on: - Understanding of the concept...
  13. bored of sc

    Geometrical applications of calculus, maxima and minima problems

    Past HSC papers are definitely the way to go. Find them on the board of studies website. Maxima and minima problems are usually in the latter part of the paper i.e. questions 8-10.
  14. bored of sc

    Analysis help

    2cos2x -cosx = 2-secx 2cos2x -cosx = 2-(1/cosx) ---- write sec in terms of cos i.e. secx = 1/cosx 2cos3x -cos2x -2cosx +1 = 0 ---- mutliply through by cosx to destroy the fraction and move all terms to the left hand side of the equation cos2x(2cosx-1) -1(2cosx-1) = 0 ---- group in pairs to...
  15. bored of sc

    Results back but no Papers?

    The same idea goes for the HSC exams.
  16. bored of sc

    Assignments Or Assessments...

    Assignments are good because there's less pressure/time factor. Assessments are good because there's no set work and you can get away with a fair degree of procrastination. But in the end, it's 50/50. It doesn't really bother me which type I have, just as long as I can perform my best in...
  17. bored of sc

    wat 2 get a band 6

    A mark somewhere in the 80%+ range can just about assure you a band 6 (90+) due to the moderation process (but this cut off does change from exam to exam).
  18. bored of sc

    Is there scaling in School Cert. ?

    99.99999/100 times it's aligned up. This is to allow more of the state to gain a band 2+ (50%+).
  19. bored of sc

    Sleep time

    Goodnight. Get your rest.