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  1. bored of sc

    Do you like maths?

    Maths is great. It's the only subject in which the material to study is clear cut and logical. There is no fluff. It's a case of question, method(s), solution(s). Also, if you are burnt out it I assure you it is the subject you'll be able to bounce back into study mode with.
  2. bored of sc

    What have you sacrificed for the HSC this/next year.

    I wish I could sacrifice procrastination.
  3. bored of sc

    Belonging Creative Writing Ideas

    Just remember, it's not really ideas that are cliche, it's the language that makes the ideas seem cliche.
  4. bored of sc

    Music 1 Aural

    Theme = melody.
  5. bored of sc

    UAI help-- Radiology

    My sister does Radiology. She gained a UAI of 88.05 (from memory). If that's any indication.
  6. bored of sc

    competitive ranking. What length you would go to...

    Not telling people about this site since it has such good resources.
  7. bored of sc

    Aspects of belonging

    Process driven: belonging is dynamic, ongoing and changing. One journeys towards the state of belonging. Alienation: when one does not belong to an entity i.e. feelings of isolation, loneliness and social awkwardness. Similarity: the features in common with the members of a group...
  8. bored of sc

    help for this question about whitlam?

    Multiculturalism I think.
  9. bored of sc

    Help.. Locus/focal chord

    As Kaz said, two point formula (see his top line of working for the formula).
  10. bored of sc


    Look up the film clip on you tube (for the linkin park song). It is good to use as a related text in itself.
  11. bored of sc

    Favourit period

    Friday's music period - it's always performance.
  12. bored of sc

    Are u ready for it..

    Identify (with examples) three sound techniques, three language techniques and three image techniques (create imagery) as used in poetry.
  13. bored of sc

    A few complex number questions

    3+4i = (a+ib)2 = a2+2iab-b2 now we equate real and imaginary parts: therefore 3 = a2-b2 --- (1) 4 = 2ab --- (2) from (2) b = 2/a (3) sub into (1) 3 = a2-(2/a)2 3 = a2 - 4/a2 3a2 = a4-4 a4-3a2-4 = 0 (a2-4)(a2+1) = 0 but a is real so only take a2-4 thus a = +2 sub...
  14. bored of sc

    A few complex number questions

    r = rt(32+42) = rt(9+16) = rt25 = 5 theta = tan-1(4/3) = 53.13010235o = 53o (to nearest degree) so 3+4i = 5cis53 in mod-arg form
  15. bored of sc

    A few complex number questions

    For 1+rt3i r = rt[12+(rt3)2] = rt(1+3) = rt4 = 2 tan(alpha) = rt3/1 alpha = tan-1(rt3/1) = 60o therefore 1+rt3i = 2cis60 (1+rt3i)z = (2cis60)(cistheta) = 2cis(theta+60) ---- (2) ---- laws of multiply complex numbers i.e. multiply moduli and add arguments thus, alpha = 60o...
  16. bored of sc

    A few complex number questions

    By induction: i) Show for n = 1. (-1+rt3i)1-(-1-rt3i)1 = -1+rt3i+1+rt3i = 2rt3i = purely imaginary i.e. real part = 0 ii) Assume true for n=k (-1+rt3i)k-(-1-rt3i)k = Mi where M is the coefficient of the complex number iii) Prove true for n=k+1 (-1+rt3i)k+1-(-1-rt3i)k+1 =...
  17. bored of sc

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    Here's my assignment on Byron Bay. Pages 6 and 7 have what you are looking for.
  18. bored of sc

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    Here's one of mine. It's not 20/20 but it's okay. Actually, I wrote a shorter version of this in my year 10 trial and gained 19/20 so I guess it's okay.
  19. bored of sc

    Supplementary Texts - Belonging

    Re: Supplementary Texts Oh really? I think I'll have 2. Maybe 3.