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  1. bored of sc

    Maths problems

    Re: deriving really annoying maths problem f'(x) = (3x-4)1/2 + 3*1/2*x(3x-4)-1/2 ----- using product rule and function of a function rule = (3x-4)-1/2(3x-4 + 3x/2) ---- factorised out (3x-4)-1/2 = (9x-8)/2(3x-4)1/2 ---- cleaned up to form fraction with positive powers f''(x) =...
  2. bored of sc

    proving trig identity problem

    LHS = (2sinAcosA + sin2A + cos2A)/(cos2A-sin2A) ------ rewrite double angle formulae and recognise 1 as the fundamental identity = (sinA+cosA)2/[(cosA-sinA)(cosA+sinA)] ------- recognise numerator as perfect square and denominator as difference of two squares = (cosA + sinA)/(cosA - sinA)...
  3. bored of sc

    End Of Year Prelim Report....

    Yeah. I was happy. Moved up the ranks in some subjects.
  4. bored of sc

    analysing scores

    First of all, key signature tells you the tonality. Look for the sharps and flats which then correspond to a certain scale e.g. C major/A minor has no sharps and flats. Next look at the time signature to work out the metre. C is common time which is 4/4. Then you go into the details with the...
  5. bored of sc

    2009 HSC English Texts - What are you studying?

    Area of Study is the concept(s) common to standard and advanced i.e. this year is the concept of 'belonging'. Modules differ in standard and advanced i.e. are different topics e.g. standard do close study of text while advanced do critical study of text. Each course consists of: - Area of...
  6. bored of sc

    Physics or Chemistry??

    Based on those who do both at my school: Harder: Chemistry. Greater workload: Chemistry. More maths: Physics.
  7. bored of sc

    Science Help - Designing an Investigation

    Designing an experiment is basically limited to: Aim Hypothesis Appartus Method Description of how you will record results Variables (independent, dependent, controlled, controls etc). You do not need to give results, conclusion, discussion etc since it is a design, not a full investigation.
  8. bored of sc

    Please Help Me Solve!!!2

    Since it's multiplication and division you can treat each bit like seperate fractions mulitplied together (this will become clearer below). i.e. 23/26 * n7(n-6)-1/n-3 Hopefully it is clearer how you rearrange now. 1/23 (index law of am/an = am-n)* n7*n3/(n-6) (move negative power in...
  9. bored of sc

    What does it mean to belong to oneself?

    Self-actualisation: you have true knowledge of who you are and where you belong in regards to others and world.
  10. bored of sc

    Required Reading/Textbooks how many?

    Religion - 1 English - Set texts for study + 2 related. Maths - 3 for maths, ext. 1 and ext. 2 + 4 others (past papers etc). Chemistry - 1 Music - 0 Wow, that's it.
  11. bored of sc

    SC Trial results

    Trials are usually harder than the actual school certificate so don't worry. I think you have a full house of band 6's in the bag.
  12. bored of sc

    What UAI would you be content/happy with?

    Mine's chnaged to 95+.
  13. bored of sc

    Parabola questions

    Solid post gurmies.
  14. bored of sc

    Supplementary Texts - Belonging

    Re: Supplementary Texts Can they really ask for three?
  15. bored of sc

    State Ranking

    You'd probably need 95%+ raw for a state ranking wouldn't you.
  16. bored of sc

    I don't have enough units!

    You can't pick up a subject you didn't do in year 11 unless it is extension of another subject OR senior science like you said. So you can either convince them you can handle extension 2 maths or pick senior science (if you are certain you're dropping chemistry and english fundamentals)...
  17. bored of sc

    The 2008 HSC Mathematics Paper

    Looks like a fairly standard test. How did you go by the way?
  18. bored of sc

    How do you feel?

    I'm into school mode now. Ready to work for a 95+ UAI and 90+ in all subjects.
  19. bored of sc

    General Thoughts: Mathematics Extension 2

    Re: What did you think? I'll feel sorry for you guys, the 4unit dudes at our school said it was super hard. :( But everyone's in the same boat. :)
  20. bored of sc

    What do u think u got?

    Wow. You're a beast. Well done.