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  1. bored of sc


    Back to thread topic. If you're really worried, which you sound like you are, 'cram'. But take it from me that it is not really worth it. I was the same as you, thinking I hadn't studied enough. But in the end I pulled off 6's. However, I quickly forgot about it.
  2. bored of sc


    Congratulations! How does it feel?
  3. bored of sc

    Ratio of Double Angles- Urgent

    :( Oh. It's that simple.
  4. bored of sc


    Hey. Have you finished your HSC exams?
  5. bored of sc


    No. Definitely not.
  6. bored of sc

    Ratio of Double Angles- Urgent

    tan3A = tan(2A+A) = (tan2A+tanA)/(1-tan2A*tanA) = [(2tanA/1-tan2A)+tanA]/[1-(2tanA/1-tan2A)tanA] = [(2tanA+tanA(1-tan2A))/(1-tan2A)]/[(1-tan2A-2tanA*tanA)/(1-tan2A)] = (3tanA-tan3A)/(1-3tan2A) cos3A = cos(2A+A) = cos2A*cosA - sin2A*sinA = (cos2A-sin2A)cosA-2sin2AcosA =...
  7. bored of sc

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    It's not called scaling, it's called moderating. The board of studies adjusts students' marks to fit the standards which define a band. E.g. if 80% meets the standards for a band 6 then 80 would be aligned upwards to 90. The board of studies also tries ensure most people gain a band 2+. So you...
  8. bored of sc

    what does it mean to belong?

    That's exactly the point of an area of study. So what do you reckon?
  9. bored of sc

    tips on essays

    Tell you what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them.
  10. bored of sc

    Burning Out..?

    Consistency and continuity is the key. It's as simple as that. Moderation is also essential. Study hard, but study smart. The HSC is a marathon, not a sprint.
  11. bored of sc

    Please help me simplify

    3x7ry2/6y2 * 20y/10x5 = x2ry
  12. bored of sc

    Common Mistakes in Exams

    Maths: misinterpretation of what the question is asking. Be careful and slow down. Work out exactly what the question wants.
  13. bored of sc

    General Thoughts: Senior Science examination

    Re: Holy Shit I did reader writer. For multiple choice the person I wrote for got 5 A's, 4 B's, 3 C's and 3 D's - if that's any indication. Oh, 4 A's in a row at the end i.e. questions 12-15.
  14. bored of sc

    belonging speech on ANYTHING

    Why not question the very nature of belonging? In other words, do we really have to belong or is just that dominant culture forces us to?
  15. bored of sc

    SC Trial results

    Nice results guys.
  16. bored of sc

    Are Study Periods allowed next yr

    Yeah, I have 11 study periods per timetable cycle (12 except extension 2 maths uses 1).
  17. bored of sc

    3 hours a night is not enough!

    Study HAS to be effective. This is essential. If you retain knowledge/understand concepts by doing 5 hours then I guess it's okay; as long as you don't overdo it. The HSC is a marathon, not a sprint.
  18. bored of sc

    Easy 4u, not 4me

    Quotient rule? y = [x2+x+1] / [2sqrt(x)] dy/dx = [2x1/2*(2x+1) - x-1/2*(x2+x+1)] / [2x1/2]2 The rest is an exercise in algebra.
  19. bored of sc

    Maths problems

    Re: deriving really annoying maths problem Damn.
  20. bored of sc

    Quick question: Graph sketching

    Stationary points are when dy/dx = 0. Points of inflexion are when d2y/dx2 = 0. Asymptotes are when denominator = 0.