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  1. C

    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    Do I have a double standard for making male friends who don't have big boobs? :D
  2. C

    Since when did being short become 'sexy'? x___x

    Pedophiles would love you :D
  3. C

    is he manipulating me?

    Yeah I had such a hard time getting a job I had to fake my ethnicity, I was like "no I'm actually white I just look black". Damn racist society :(
  4. C

    Abbott suggests corporal punishment return

    Even if they brought it back, I wouldn't hit students.
  5. C

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    unique princess Bendeguz perfect match? YOU DECIDE!
  6. C

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    don't get all technical on me, UnIqUe_CoMpScInErD
  7. C

    I'm in love with a gay guy

    lol grow a penis wut else can u do? :/
  8. C

    I'm in love with a gay guy

    fine, you've got big manly abs, ur not flat chested ok? :D
  9. C

    I'm in love with a gay guy

    i dunno why not ur pretty flat chested and i hear serbian women are pretty manly anyway u'd make a good man :D
  10. C

    Are there too many Internationals at UNI these days?

    You'll always be a fob to me :D
  11. C

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    So why did you decide to join bos only to bitch about your lack of a girlfriend in this thread?
  12. C

    Abbott suggests corporal punishment return

    I dunno Usually it's your lot bitching about them being conservative though :D
  13. C

    Abbott suggests corporal punishment return

    So, if not conservative, what would you call them? We can ignore the immigrant numbers because that's just your deep seated racism and white supremacy being projected onto others, ie. all conservatives are racists and must be against immigration :D
  14. C

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    His mum's a gypsy and so's he :lol:
  15. C

    Are there too many Internationals at UNI these days?

    It's the government's fault for corporatising the unis, since that makes the universities tell lecturers to tell tutors to mark like that because they need the international students' cash :D
  16. C

    Are there too many white people at uni these days?

    There's too many white people at my uni Goddamn bogans :D
  17. C

    dont get into a relationship

    Not rly you could pawn it for a tv or something cool :D
  18. C

    dont get into a relationship

    it's the religion for people with telepathic powers :D
  19. C

    I'm in an abusive relationship

    lol me 2 lyk once at da bulldogz game he beat da shit outta lyk 15 dudez cuz dey dun looked at him funny n he stabbed dem n i wuz lyk 'omg so hawtt' he protectz me frum da otha rapists... no1 else can rape me but him... n sumtimz his bros but u gotta giv a little for ur man u no wut i mean?