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  1. C

    Need some new perspectives on this one...

    You could try telling her when you were drunk, then if it goes badly pretend you didn't mean it :D
  2. C

    Hardest Topic in 3unit?

    Can you guys post an example of what you think would be a really difficult P&C question? Just since so many of you thought it was the hardest :D
  3. C

    How to get into Uni overseas ? Like cambridge etc

    But why would you want to go to Harvard when right here in Sydney we have our very own UWS, and as we all know UWS IS BETTER THAN HARVARD
  4. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    Well for example You don't know for sure that any of the people who voiced support, in principle or of the specifics of the plan, are - White - Economically marginalised - Racist, which is a pretty big accusation to be making out of literally nowhere Or that they have nationalist fantasies...
  5. C

    penis issue

  6. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    See the funny part is that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU DO TO EVERYONE ELSE What you need to learn is that you imagining someone to believe something doesn't mean they actually do. We don't all fit the fucking rigid stereotypes you read about in your 1st year sociology textbook. You're not...
  7. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    What's he doing against me fuckwit? by the way using the wrong word was enough for you to throw a tantrum back at post #30. You're hilariously stupid, do you think the whole ALP is going to vote Liberal now because they support what he's doing?
  8. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    No because you're a closet racist who's never said a word about this issue until now that it provided you with an opportunity to score political points. It's obvious you're using your wedge tactics to satisfy your irrational hatred and prejudice against anything the Liberal Party does. This...
  9. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    It shows well enough that you're deeply ignorant, probably racist, don't care one bit about our Indigenous communities and you're only using this tragic issue (and the less than perfect response) to make a political point. This in spite of both major parties agreeing that this ought to be a...
  10. C

    Need some new perspectives on this one...

    If you think you're inevitably going to tell her (like you reckon that one day you just will even if you try not to or don't want to) then the sooner you do so the better :D
  11. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    Marxism - the cause of, and solution to, all of society's problems!
  12. C

    Probability - what is 1?

    no, no, yes, no :confused:
  13. C

    Howard or Rudd?

    lol :D And give elementary civics lessons to high school students?
  14. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    So if this plan is inspired by a hatred of Australia's Indigenous communities and their hindrance in achieving a nationalistic fantasy, what should we be doing instead? I'm asking this as a sort of chance for those who actually do genuinely care about or understand the Indigenous communities to...
  15. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    PM Plan may worsen situation PM move may deepen divide
  16. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention
  17. C

    Abbott suggests corporal punishment return

    Sounds like a return to the protectionist days. Can't we just give these people self-determination already? :mad:
  18. C

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - 21 July 2007 (NO SPOILERS)

    There'll be riots if that happens :D
  19. C

    the OFFICIAL Guns N' Roses thread

    oh man politik u've got such awesome taste in music i wish i could be like u politik won't u tell me what music i should listen to so i can be as cool as u?