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  1. C

    what makes james ruse better than other schools??

    They send their "people" to break the fingers of the highest achievers of every other school just before the HSC. You heard it here first.
  2. C

    Someone you love or someone who loves you?

    :eek: :o Come on msn :D
  3. C

    Someone you love or someone who loves you?

    Someone who loves me ...because I have no standards :D
  4. C

    Is Australia a secular state?

    I think the separation of Church and Everything is too blurred in Australia. It's still possible for a politician to be influenced even if only infinitesimally by her own religious views, or by the fact that religion still exists. Therefore I propose the following measures: - Those...
  5. C

    Why can't I access NS?

    2 weeks or premium
  6. C

    Lives not saved

    I'm only against the laws because they're by a state labor government, if it was Howard I'd be praising him for caring about young people ;)
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    Lives not saved

    Well why else would they bring in the new laws? The RTA lied to us :(
  8. C

    tute rego

    Onlineservices REGISTRATION SYSTEM - Unavailable Currently, REGISTRATION SYSTEM is unavailable due to the following reason: Reason: Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, the system is currently unavailable. Downtime: From: 04-Jul-2007 at 12:00 PM To: 04-Jul-2007 at 04:00 PM...
  9. C

    tute rego

    i was about to post this thread :D log in --> register --> log in BUT I'M ALREADY LOGGED IN FFS --> error page repeat
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    Lives not saved

    No the old laws were inadequate so they had to bring in more laws to stop p plater deaths, the rta promised me it wouldn't happen anymore
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    Lives not saved

    But guys i thought the new laws would stop this from happening
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    Lives not saved,22049,22009106-5006009,00.html A TEENAGE girl was killed and three others seriously injured after a red P-plate crash – just 48 hours after bans on probationary drivers carrying passengers came into force. Looks like laws aren't an effective way...
  13. C

    Is Australia a secular state?

    Is this legal studies homework? Yes, yes it is a secular state, it has no established religion. Greece for example is a non-secular state because it has an official religion.
  14. C

    Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? (merged)

    Re: Career Choices: What do you want to do in uni/tafe/the workforce? I'd call it a draw :s
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    Pokemon Team.

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    Pokemon Team.

    Never played beyond GSC generation but this was mine, from memory, with item clause: :D Venusaur - Miracleberry Razor Leaf Leech Seed Sleep Powder HP Ice Arcanine - Scope Lens Flamethrower Dragonbreath Extremespeed Crunch Machamp - Quick Claw Cross Chop Earthquake Rockslide Counter or Return...
  17. C

    Solve the equation- help

    take e to the power of both sides e^(2ln(x)) = e^(ln(5+4x)) x^2 = 5+4x Solve quadratic from here, ignore solutions not greater than zero
  18. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    It's a sort of neo-totalitarian-communo-socialist bias created by a high level synthesis of the tenets of Marxism and Maoism ;).
  19. C

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    So you mean living in a prosperous society with high standards of living is a 'white' thing? Racist. :D
  20. C

    Prince William for Governor-General of Australia?

    The next GG should be a leb Then we'd really be Under New Management :D