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    Australia gives $4m to help Palestinians

    hay guys i know why don't one of the countries in the arab world accept these refugees since they're arabs too and the arab countries are so much nicer than israel? o wait then they wouldn't be political pawns anymore hey
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    Woman has political views 'Time right' for women-only party June 28, 2007 - 11:51AM A newly launched all-women political party will inject more "reality" into federal politics, its founder says. Launching the...
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    Australia gives $4m to help Palestinians

    lol america does it too, and even israel are these politicians insane?
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    SingStar (PlayStation 2)

    do it u know u wanna :o
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    SingStar (PlayStation 2)

    lol putfile clips of diane singing or stfu
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    crying during/after sex

    take me now plz
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    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    It's the English way :cool:
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    i thought this was about REAL food?

    umm can they last 10 weeks in a jar full of stomach acid without deteriorating? no, I didn't think so :mad:
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    Australia gives $4m to help Palestinians

    Wonder how much will end up in the hands of militants :rolleyes:
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    i thought this was about REAL food?

    McDonalds is actually the best food on earth
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    Young Anglo-Saxon children off to fight in Iraq as new generation of soldiers.

    meh it was easier than digging up news links and finding individual pictures myself :D
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    NSW introduces new standards for student teachers

    o ok den wen i wuz in hi skool oi hadd sum PE teecherz dat talkd lyk massiv bogans, but uvawize all ma teacherz dun spoak pritty wel n nu haw 2 spel n shit Does the School of Education or equivalent at your uni mark essays down for poor spelling and grammar? Mine already does so in a...
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    Young Anglo-Saxon children off to fight in Iraq as new generation of soldiers.

    I think the point is that America is evil for sending its kids off to war, as shown by the fake costume. But some might think she is sick for dressing the girl up like that. Meanwhile in the Islamic world... So what does it make them?
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    penis issue

    wet tshirt contest or STFU
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    NSW introduces new standards for student teachers

    On History: Australian history is great, it tells us a lot. I think the main complaint would be that we might like to know, generally speaking, what was actually happening in the country and abroad between settlement and today, rather than what particular minority groups felt about what was...
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    NSW introduces new standards for student teachers

    :care: The low entry conditions for teaching degrees means there's some genuine idiots doing the degree, so I'm all for grammar and spelling tests. They won't affect me. I'd like to know what all 6 areas are and how they're going to be assessed, though.
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    penis issue
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    Australian Terrorists killed/arrested in Lebanon

    "all of Australia's approximately 30,000 Shi'ites were avid supporters of Hezbollah (Party of God) and haters of Israel." big surprise there :sleep: