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  1. Shadowdude

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    1. I went outside the Red Centre and there was a girl on the Main Walkway who was stripping down to her undergarments. That, or watching three girls in bikinis wrestling each other in jelly and getting a picture with them afterward. Good times. 2. Apparently one of the girl jelly wrestlers...
  2. Shadowdude

    Single degree --> double degree? - years taken?

    And Summer School ASB/Commerce courses are full fee.
  3. Shadowdude

    Bachelor of Science(advanced) combined with Bachelor Commerce too general ?

    Do remember there are thousands of graduates each year in Commerce. How will you differentiate yourself from the other random Commerce student in your class, who may be gunning for the same job as you? Just remember that.
  4. Shadowdude

    Enrollment question, Physics 1A - PHYS1121

    For future reference: Corequisite basically means you should take it at the same time. Prerequisite means you have to have done it before.
  5. Shadowdude

    How important is the originality of your concept?

    If your concept is say... a girl goes to a new school in a town and meets a vampire and she falls in love with him, but also knows a guy that is a werewolf and omg tension - then, I think the concept would be very important - because the marker will just so obviously call out the parallels. If...
  6. Shadowdude

    can i get into course?

    Yes, put it as your first preference just in case.
  7. Shadowdude

    Anyone travel from Castle Hill to UNSW??? What's it like?

    It's uphill from Central to Anzac Parade, and then... mostly good. Might take you half an hour? But if you're at Central, just take the free bus, imo. (I say free because I assume most people would have MyMulti tickets)
  8. Shadowdude

    Can you do a double major in commerce in a combined degree?

    Or overload, I believe. Problem is that each major is a certain number of credit units and in a combined degree, it's like split 96/54 or something else. So if you take a major which can be like 48 each, plus you having to take core subjects that won't count to any major... well, yeah.
  9. Shadowdude

    Is it possible to start off with a double degree, then drop one degree later?

    Depends. What double degree are you looking for exactly? I know in combined Engineering at UNSW, you can just drop whichever. For say... Comm/Adv Maths, you have to transfer to 'drop' one of the degrees.
  10. Shadowdude

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. and the game has four ticketed sections sold out This is going to be amazing! I haven't been to a home game since the Roar - because of holidaying, and more recently, sickness - but I am going to be so there tomorrow night chanting from the terraces with the...
  11. Shadowdude

    B. Sc (Adv. Mathematics) - Benefits of Maths degree over B. Eng (job opportunities).?

    Re: B. Sc (Adv. Mathematics) - Benefits of Maths degree over B. Eng (job opportunitie You said it yourself. You -prefer- to study pure maths, so take the maths options. If you're good enough, and smart enough, there are jobs available. Yes, not as many jobs available as engineering - but at...
  12. Shadowdude

    Obtaining/Maintaining a good GPA

    There's no pressure at uni. If you don't want to do the work, then no one cares. There's no detentions or disciplinary action if you don't do homework. So that's why I'm saying motivation is important - because no one is going to tell you to do your work, except yourself. And there's of...
  13. Shadowdude

    Obtaining/Maintaining a good GPA

    Cramming and lack of organisation... yeah. Good luck. Uni requires motivation - self-motivation. Cramming might add a few extra marks, you might even be able to cram and do very well, but it's not the best for your stress levels and whatnot. So you might be able to, but to take the safer but...
  14. Shadowdude

    Life in UNSW

    unless of course you're in the arts faculty (like me!) in which case you must add the prefix "cauc" to "asians" in the question --- More srsly, depends. If you are adamant in wanting to basement 24/7 and not talk to anyone then... social life will be more crappy than someone who, I dunno...
  15. Shadowdude

    Sex before an exam?

  16. Shadowdude

    Last movie you watched? And what you thought of it?

    Watched a few movies over the past few days. But the last movie I watched was called 'Enough', it's about domestic violence and... yeah. Interesting movie. Not sure why it was the DVD selected to be viewed at a family and friends gathering but heh, interesting nonetheless.
  17. Shadowdude

    What career would you pursue if you knew you couldn't fail?

    I took it literally: "could not fail". That is, you don't fail. Ever. suppose I could roam about for it in EB Games or something Is it good? I'd get the PC version of course.
  18. Shadowdude

    Would it be insane to attempt Higher Maths 1A with a 2U background?

    Higher Maths 1A is very much grounded in 3u and 4u. I can't remember what exactly is in 1A and 1B, but the algebra portion is very new - you'll learn about matrices. Calculus is something you arguably can prepare for by doing the relevant stuff in 3u and 4u, so for 1A you should probably revise...
  19. Shadowdude

    B engineering?

    What is engineering? _gVG_sCp9RQ