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  1. Shadowdude

    Info Days!

    Force you to choose, pick a loyalty.
  2. Shadowdude

    Help - Derivation of formula for Pi

    ah okay, my bad that seems fine but \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{\sin k \theta}{k} = \frac{\pi}{2} - \frac{\theta}{2} If theta is zero, you get that sum equalling pi/2. I'm not sure if that's right then...? For your first question, if that above is true - then I think that would be fine. The...
  3. Shadowdude

    Help - Derivation of formula for Pi

    "And substituting z= cis theta in there, and equating real parts," Just skimming... Hmm, this might be a problem. What contour are you integrating around?
  4. Shadowdude

    no idea what to do at uni

    What I did - no joke - is I went through the UAC guide and put a cross next to everything I didn't want to do. I was left with around 10 things left - and then I did a bit more research and then... it just narrowed down.
  5. Shadowdude

    What do you want to do at University?

    Re: University. Transferring internally, i.e. from the same uni, is more often than not easier than an external transfer.
  6. Shadowdude

    Passion vs Reality

    I'd go for passion. I took Commerce originally because "It'll get me a job" and the like, and well... a year into it - I had zero motivation for the finance subjects, I found them horrendously dull, I didn't turn up to lectures and just crammed - and my marks reflected that. I couldn't...
  7. Shadowdude

    First years in 2013 only.

    First years in 2013 only.
  8. Shadowdude

    You'll find out in good time. If you turn out to be a UNSW student.

    You'll find out in good time. If you turn out to be a UNSW student.
  9. Shadowdude

    It's a secret. But if I see you, or anyone else at O-Week, and enquire about it - sure, I'll be...

    It's a secret. But if I see you, or anyone else at O-Week, and enquire about it - sure, I'll be happy to explain.
  10. Shadowdude

    Anyone travel from Castle Hill to UNSW??? What's it like?

    Well, that's something you'll have to figure out for yourself - and you should consult guides and go to Open Days and stuff to help figure that sort of thing out. Also, you should ask yourself if you want to be challenged at a higher level. Like, I could've just done normal Science - and not...
  11. Shadowdude

    Should I review the preliminary stuff for a 97+ atar? Year 11 maths? HELP!!!

    ^ that. Plus, year 11 stuff is sometimes the building block for some year 12 stuff - so if you're not 100% on your year 11 stuff, you might find yourself lost.
  12. Shadowdude

    Anyone travel from Castle Hill to UNSW??? What's it like?

    I have five days and around 17 hours a week. I try to put my classes between 11-4pm, but unfortunately since I'm in higher years now - lectures for obscure subjects start at 9 so I end up having 9-3 most days, usually with big breaks. Maths lectures are usually not online. Only my Arts ones are...
  13. Shadowdude

    I'll be there.

    I'll be there.
  14. Shadowdude

    Uhh, no... not this time. This is an event that was pitched to us by other people - and we're...

    Uhh, no... not this time. This is an event that was pitched to us by other people - and we're just providing the advertising, room and space for them to do their thing.
  15. Shadowdude

    I'm helping organise it, yes. (it's why the post sounds like me with lots of brackets and stuff)

    I'm helping organise it, yes. (it's why the post sounds like me with lots of brackets and stuff)
  16. Shadowdude

    Anyone travel from Castle Hill to UNSW??? What's it like?

    Have a friend who lives near there. She drives to Seven Hills and takes the train to Central, and then bus to uni. Then again she's an Arts student so she probably just does that a couple of times a week - she doesn't think it's too bad. She just travels with friends on the train to make the...
  17. Shadowdude

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    You have to ask the Australian Tax Office for one, I believe. Fill out a form.
  18. Shadowdude

    For those prospective UNSW students who just got their ATARs

    Also to add to the OP, congratulations on getting a good enough ATAR to get into your desired UNSW course! You've chosen a good university.
  19. Shadowdude

    Are there alot of beautiful girls studying business in ASB?

    Science depends on the major. psychology is... yeah.
  20. Shadowdude

    Double Degree vs Single + master

    I'd rather do the double degree for less hassle - and if you don't like one of them, you can drop one of them straight away.