Search results

  1. Shadowdude

    Chance of me getting into this course with "my" ATAR.

    You might. I wouldn't bet on it though.
  2. Shadowdude

    Difference between Bcom (international) and Bcom?

    I believe International Commerce makes you learn a language or make you go overseas for a year.
  3. Shadowdude

    Prediction of 2013 ATAR cut-off for subjects

    Best estimates for the cut-offs are last years. You'll find these don't really change.
  4. Shadowdude

    how did you guess :( you're good.

    how did you guess :( you're good.
  5. Shadowdude

    When Do We Receive Our Major Works Back?

    Well, what kind of assessments did you have at school? You had to talk about your major walk, propose a plan for your major work. They didn't really see how good your major work was - which is what the External marks measures. So basically, you're good at planning and talking about your major...
  6. Shadowdude

    Living on campus?

    Living on campus is very expensive. So do you have enough money to cover all the expenses? If you want, call up UWS Village or UNSW Village or whatever and ask them to give you an estimate of how expensive living on their premises are.
  7. Shadowdude

    Major work marks

    Fused with exam marks. Only way you'll see the breakdown is if you ask for your raw marks back (and pay).
  8. Shadowdude

    for a law student, you're very... law-break happy i was thinking more like playing two-person...

    for a law student, you're very... law-break happy i was thinking more like playing two-person uno, or similar card games which would follow on to more... adult entertainment, shall we say?
  9. Shadowdude

    Don't worry about the legal ramifications of that. I can think up a few other activities you...

    Don't worry about the legal ramifications of that. I can think up a few other activities you and I could do that would be super fun fun fun for both of us ;)
  10. Shadowdude

    what would we be eating I'm on like a strict diet though. gotta eat right to keep my aesthetics

    what would we be eating I'm on like a strict diet though. gotta eat right to keep my aesthetics
  11. Shadowdude

    Are there alot of beautiful girls studying business in this uni?

    I like trying to be sociable - and establish rapport with people, rather than doing the more anti-social thing. but what does it mean if no one answers i'll just google it :(
  12. Shadowdude

    How can I self study for Engineering?? Suggest me textbooks PLEASE!

    Don't learn HSC Physics, it's not going to help you. Might do well to learn maths - relevant maths. Though it depends on what uni you get to - if your goal is to already be comfortable with the content in first year. Besides, first year maths is just mostly the 3u and 4u courses - if you've...
  13. Shadowdude

    Best way to recieve marks?

    Pro way is refreshing the marks page at 5:50am...
  14. Shadowdude

    How can I self study for Engineering?? Suggest me textbooks PLEASE!

    what kind of engineer do you want to be there's like 500 kinds also you're not going to behind from day 1, because everyone's in the same boat. and if you start reading random textbooks, you risk learning irrelevant stuff. you have enough time at uni to actually learn what you have to - so...
  15. Shadowdude

    Degree choice

    I don't know about Sydney, but go look at their handbook and read through the majors you can take in Commerce and see if any of those interest you.
  16. Shadowdude

    Dilemma with my uni preferences

    You put the one you want to go to more, in the higher preference slot. So you obviously want to go to UTS more, so you put that higher than Macquarie.
  17. Shadowdude

    Internal Program Transfer outcomes are out.

    I talked to the Science people when I was thinking of transferring - and they said that what they posted are minimum requirements and that it's very unlikely to get through below that. The higher your WAM is against the minimum WAM, the more likely your transfer. So when I transferred, I had...
  18. Shadowdude

    Should English be compulsory??

    Plus Standard and Advanced scale the same anyway.