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  1. bored of sc

    Pdhpe ppl - Did anyone do first aid ?

    In my opinion is quite a good topic. You learn about all the basics of first aid (well that's what I've done so far i.e. for 2 lessons).
  2. bored of sc

    Polynomial Questions

    Re: 回复: Re: Polynomial Questions But you don't know what r is...
  3. bored of sc

    Polynomial Questions

    Let roots be @/r, @ and @r. a = 1, b = (2 - P), c = -(Q-3), d = -8 Sum roots (one at a time): @ + @/r + @r = -b/a = P-2 @ + @/r + @r = P-2 ---------------(1) Sum of roots (two at a time): @2 /r + @2 + @2r = c/a = -(Q-3) @2/r + @2 + @2r = -(Q-3) ------------(2) Product...
  4. bored of sc


    Using the cosine rule: Let cos x = cos A cos A = b2 + c2 - a2 / 2bc PQ = 2 (from part (a)) PC = QC (from part (b)) align the sides to letters a, b and c a = PC, b = PQ, c = QC (b and c are interchangable) therefore: cos A = (PQ)2 + (QC)2 - (PC)2 / 2 (PQ) (QC)...
  5. bored of sc

    What's your IQ?

    Does bullshitting in religion count?
  6. bored of sc

    What's your IQ?

    I did a Mensa test in the holidays and got 125. :)
  7. bored of sc

    Polynomial Questions

    x3 -9root2 x2 + 46x - 30root2 = 0 a = 1, b = -9root2, c = 46, d = -30root2 Let roots be @ - n, @ and @ + n. Sum roots: @ + (@ - n) + (@ + n) = -b/a = 9root2 3@ = 9root2 @ = 3root2 ------------ (1) Product roots: (@ - n)(@ + n)@ = -d/a = 30root2 @3 - @n2 = 30root2 ---------...
  8. bored of sc

    calculator conundrum

    Wow you are ridiculously GOOD at maths.
  9. bored of sc

    English Classes - Eep!

    For me, english is a subject where the teacher does a bit of work but we are EXPECTED to do heaps :(.
  10. bored of sc

    calculator conundrum

    No, I didn't realise. Cheers. :)
  11. bored of sc

    calculator conundrum

    Care to elaborate?
  12. bored of sc

    art ideas?

    Mr. Guise. About a father who physically abuses his child but pretends everything is okay by putting on a facade of positivity.
  13. bored of sc

    How much competition?

    At some schools there are like 3 people that do the HSC. The average amount of students in year 12 for NSW schools would be about 100ish I reckon.
  14. bored of sc

    Urgent Marking/Advice needed

    I've put my corrections in bold. But be warned, I write in a weird way, with lots of commas. The tense of the writing changes a fair bit (not sure if that's a bad thing because it could show the narrator is changing tense deliberating ;)). Great use of rhetorical questions. Word choice...
  15. bored of sc

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Feel free to post up any of your problems! :) Just go to new thread and type away.
  16. bored of sc

    Straight line question ( K method)

    You've done the cross-multiplication wrong; that's all. It should be 3y + 6 = 6x --> 0 = 2x -y -2... Oh wait, that's still the wrong answer. :eek:
  17. bored of sc

    Straight line question ( K method)

    Factorise (common factor of 3) and rearrange equation and you get = y = x - 2 (what's the answer?)
  18. bored of sc

    calculator conundrum

    Volume of water in cup half full = (Pi x r2 x h)/6 = (pi x 302 x 150)/6 = 70686mm3 Then do using the same formula put in the volume as 70686 and the height to radius is in the ratio 5:1. (150/30) So then do 70686 = (Pi x 1a2 x 5a)/3 Then solve for a. 70686 = [Pi x a2 x 5a]/3...
  19. bored of sc

    infamous question 4!

    Oh! :( Way to show me up.
  20. bored of sc

    Which is better??

    None is better than the other. If you do well at English I recommend Advanced. If you find English a bit challenging I recommend Standard.