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  1. bored of sc

    Permutations and Combinations Help!

    My working is: (P) George and girlfriend both not in: 4C2 x 6C3 = 120 all (P): 5C2 x 7C3 = 350 (P) George and girlfriend not in = (P) George and girlfriend not in / all (P) = 120/350 = 12/35 Your error was saying 6C2 (instead of 6C3) for the number of combinations in which the...
  2. bored of sc

    Is it suicide to do both Extension 2 courses (Eng + Maths)?

    If you managed to get all band 6's/E4's then that wouldn't be suicide at all. It would be like a Godsend.
  3. bored of sc

    Term 3 Goals

    I'm just not sure if you mean =3rd in a particular subject or third overall in your year group (taking into account all subjects)... :confused: YAY! 1000th POST!!
  4. bored of sc

    Term 3 Goals

    Do you mean equal third for overall dux?
  5. bored of sc

    Falling asleep in class

    Sleeping in class works a charm when you are watching a movie about the history of the Catholic Church.
  6. bored of sc

    Chem syllabus question

    We had to use play-dough and cocktail sticks to contruct each of the models of: > a named ionic lattice (e.g. sodium chloride) > a named covalent molecule (e.g. water) > a named covalent (network) lattice (e.g. diamond) > a named metal (e.g. iron) So for the ionic lattice I used a ball and...
  7. bored of sc

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? Success One HSC Mathematics - Past Papers Success One HSC Mathematics Extension 1 - Past Papers Excel 3 unit maths HSC Exam Questions and Solutions These 3 texts are not published anymore I don't think but they have Past HSC papers and I think they...
  8. bored of sc

    are you dropping

    If you go well at all 10 units it's definitely worth doing it.
  9. bored of sc

    Any particular 'good luck charms' that you do before important days?

    Luck probably doesn't exist. It's just that it seems to exist as a result of coincidences, but then again, maybe coincidences don't exist either. :confused:
  10. bored of sc

    Term 3 Goals

    I am aiming for top 3 or better. :( I have high expectations of myself.
  11. bored of sc

    Chem syllabus question

    number of moles of substance (e.g. element, compound) = (mass of substance)/(relative atomic mass of subtance)
  12. bored of sc

    Polynomial Questions

  13. bored of sc

    English is a waste of life.

    Re: Anyone else hate English as much as me? You used grammar, question, ellipsis, capitalisation, syntax, spelling, the English language, nouns, verbs and adjectives to contruct your post so I believe the language skills developed in English are absolutely paramount.
  14. bored of sc

    Chem syllabus question

    Aristotle stated that all matter was made up of four elements: Earth, wind, water and fire. (I think, this of off the top of my head) According to Chemistry Contexts: Lavoisier published a table of 33 elements. Dobereiner reported that several groups, each containing three elements...
  15. bored of sc

    Help - Mark my speech!

    Very well written. I've just put a few of my thoughts in there. In bold are words I have added in and I have taken out words I thought weren't needed. Not sure if I've done that good a job though since I haven't read or seen any of the texts in this speech.
  16. bored of sc


    More information about the context of the allegory is needed. Is it for English Area of Study - what area of study are you doing? If you are doing identity I have an okay idea posted below. You could go out there and have robots being produced at a factory. Have it so the robots are...
  17. bored of sc

    Term 3 Goals

    It's true. Exams can be fun... It's just people have a common misconception that exams = death. There's nothing like the feeling of coming out of an exam feeling like you've absolutely destroyed it; ripped it to shreds (i.e. went really, really well). Obviously it doesn't happen that much but...
  18. bored of sc

    Term 3 Goals

    same here, I also enjoy music performance exams :)
  19. bored of sc

    Polynomial Questions

    Would saying the co-efficient of the x2 being 0 be correct?
  20. bored of sc

    Circle question

    In the parabola, the coordinates of C are (0, 1) and the coordinates of the vertex (V) are (2, -3). I hope... :uhoh: Working: for coordinates of C C is y-intercept therefore y-value (constant term from equation) is 1 and x-value is 0, thus (0, 1). Working: for coordinates of vertex From...