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  1. C

    The Iraq War

    Re: To be honest That's not what I meant at all, I meant when we started waging war, ie. started fighting them. If we hadn't fought back at all there would have been less of them, like there would have been less terrorists. All I'm trying to say was the point that "there's more jihadis...
  2. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    That's a funny thing, the social conservative/liberal label. One would be called socially conservative for being in favour of gun ownership for the general public but socially liberal for being in favour of drug legalisation.
  3. C

    The Iraq War

    Re: To be honest I'll keep saying this; WHY did more Japanese enlist in the army and fight AFTER the USA and Australia declared war on them? Maybe we shouldn't have, that way there'd have been less to fight. No, I don't mean the ABC or SBS, I mean the entire mainstream media here and also in...
  4. C

    International Rules

    Yeah maybe because the Irish are semi-professionals with day jobs while the AFL thugs get paid to sit in a gym all day. The whole thing's an embarrassment.
  5. C

    Question on sex.

    Go rename yourself 'dagwomyn' you fucking abomination.
  6. C

    "What is your worst quality?"

    Don't say perfectionism or you work too hard because they think it's stupid. Also when you do say 'Well I've had alot of trouble with X in the past, however I've found that doing Y has really helped me to overcome that" (which is pretty much the right answer) you have to be careful that X...
  7. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Yeah almost as good as calling all Republicans "ignorant rednecks".
  8. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    I understand that as a Chinese you consider the number of people he killed to be less than a small handful, but still, there's 2 of the roughly 100,000 Kurds he genocide'd.
  9. C

    The Iraq War

    Re: To be honest Nor can I, which is why Saddam who caused a million or so, and now the terrorists in Iraq causing thousands more have to be beaten, and we have to support the troops. We also have to stop listening to the liberal-biased [liberal in the American sense] media who deliberately...
  10. C

    Rugby League Tri-Nations

    Bad decisions? More like, the game was thrown to try to give "international" (:rofl:) rugby league more credibility.
  11. C

    North Korea: "UN Has Declared War..."

    Hahaha Yeah that's why there was never any invasions before the UN was created, no one had the authority.
  12. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    He's going to be hung. After at least a year of appeals, probably.
  13. C

    Why was the 3 unit paper so hard?

    Maybe because last year's was one of the easiest in the last 15 years.
  14. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    This is easy; take identical twin children to an ice cream store and if you're right they should want the same thing every time.
  15. C

    Does God exist?

    Read my post again and then think why it's really quite okay for him to equate incestuous polygamy with gay marriage if he thinks they're both bad or both good or whatever. If he has his own self-derived system of morals where gay...
  16. C

    Does God exist?

    But if in some situation S, person A believes action x is what is the right thing to do and person B believes that action y is the right thing to do how can you, ie. someone with no established reference for what is right or wrong say to either person that one's decision is better than the...
  17. C

    murder or rape

    Yeah ok we get the point Bilal Skaf was a victim of a merciless judge and the entire fucking judicial system in this country is corrupt because a rapist got 55 years for a crime that he wasn't responsible for and some murderers get less than that and we don't even chop their hands off or whip...
  18. C

    True Love

    The only time you have a soulmate is if you met someone and stayed with them (in whatever kind of relationship you wanna call it) pretty much until one of you dies (ie. when you're rly old) then you look back and think 'well that person must have been my soulmate". But like if you'd looked at...
  19. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    Yes You're not liberating yourself and you're doing a role that society puts you in. You SHOULD be trying to break glass ceilings, gentleman's clubs, governor generalship, i don't know... That's a woman's place.
  20. C

    TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELVES! The Worrying rise of a conservative youth!

    Yeah but the cops arresting him and the court prosecuting him are also robots.