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  1. C

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    I just bought someone's virginity on ebay
  2. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Looks like Germany needs a better rock damn bears of course once you believe it's all a conspiracy to scare people, which you probably do, there's not much point posting this
  3. C

    How much do you dream with your loved one about the future?!

    I've pretty much got the wedding, following days and then subsequent 50 years figured out, down to nursing home selection. Now I just need to get her to agree.
  4. C

    Saddam sentenced to death

    Personally I'd like to see large scale terrorist attacks killing tens of thousands of people in Australia and various European countries just to shut the moonbats up. Though mind you, when that happened in Spain, they promptly surrendered...
  5. C

    The Iraq War

    Re: Iraq War So what do you think we should do? Withdrawing the troops too early isn't going to fix the problem. The new Iraqi government aren't American puppets. Are the terrorists and bombers obeying geneva? At least the allies attempt to. Sounds like racism to me. Actually, there was...
  6. C

    Arrests as anti-G20 turns violent

    Look at the pics in the second 2 links in my first post in this thread, the police are just standing there doing nothing while the anarchists vandalise their vehicles and throw medical waste at them. If you don't like those because they're from conservative bloggers, here it is from indymedia...
  7. C

    Arrests as anti-G20 turns violent

    Yeah well you're bound to have a lot of desperation when your goal is to end capitalism.
  8. C

    Arrests as anti-G20 turns violent Only 2 arrests :( The photo slideshow at is worth watching. Also
  9. C

    Removing fails from transcript

    Do about 1200 degrees without failing anything except in the first one, then only show people the last few pages of your transcript.
  10. C

    Al Jazeera not in Australia :(

    Haha yeah, diversity of opinion. If Al Jazeera appears on any pay TV network people should boycott it and tell everyone they know to do likewise.
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    The Iraq War

    Re: Iraq War Not for long, now that the Democrats are going to cut and run.
  12. C

    Bi Annual Exam Thread

    Finished today, went shit :santa: Currently trying to work out why my blackboard grades have 3 0's for assignments that i didn't get 0 in
  13. C

    The official IR reform thread!

    He's never lied, he has clearly just made non-core promises. And I believe him.
  14. C

    Relationships suck!!!!

    I'd say you're normal. end yourself now
  15. C

    2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Rudd?

    Re: 2007 Federal Election - Coalition or Labor/Howard or Beazley? If the Greens die anywhere it will be at State level, and because Labor (or maybe even Libs) take all their policies. For example look at what's being done about the water shortages in several states; nothing, because rivers...
  16. C

    Where do you stand? Does One Nation even exist anymore?
  17. C

    Belinda Emmett dies

    Really? Like, know them personally?
  18. C

    For the lady-types: Do you have a preference for men who wear cosmetics?

    I personally think I look pretty good with a little eye shadow and mascara. Do you girls approve of males who wear makeup?
  19. C

    Belinda Emmett dies

    I wish to subscribe to your newspaper.
  20. C

    Appalling Lyrics Thread

    Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude Nah nah nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah, hey Jude Nah nah...